Choosing my Warby Parker sunglasses

10 February 2017

So y’all have been very kind in my survey, saying all sorts of nice things. A few of you even mentioned that you like my style and are hoping for more fashion and beauty-related posts. Well, you may reconsider after I let you in on this very embarrassing fact about myself: sometimes, when I’m alone in the car, I wear my sunglasses OVER my regular glasses. (OMGDIDIJUSTADMITTHAT.)

It’s true. A few years ago, after some cornea scarring, my eye doctor switched me to daily contacts, and they are VERY expensive. I usually only wear them on the weekends or for big events, which is totally fine – I like my glasses! But, without prescription sunglasses, I’m left to my own devices while driving.

When I saw that Warby Parker accepts HSA money for prescription sunglasses (through their sponsorship of someone’s newsletter, of all things), and I jumped on that like a hot potato! CLEARLY they’re needed, if only to prevent John dying from embarrassment over his wife’s fashion faux pas. (I’ve got a few more years before June realizes what’s up.)

I ordered five pairs for my home try-on. After ruling one out, I asked for feedback on Instagram yesterday (if you’re reading this post in the morning, the stories should still be available!) The two frontrunners are neck-and-neck, and they happen to be the two I like best, too: no. 2, Laurel, and no. 4, Raglan. Looking at these photos again, I think I know which one will be my final pick.

warby parker sunglasses try on

Any final opinions? I’m going to pop the box back in the mail today and place my order over the weekend!

UPDATE: Thank you so much for voting! I ordered the Raglan (no. 4) and am thrilled to have upgraded my eyewear! :)

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February 10, 2017 8:09 am

I’m torn! I really really like #4 but feel like #2 might be overall more Emily! Can’t wait to see what you pick!

February 10, 2017 8:12 am

I agree with Victoria. I love #4, but #2 seems more you!

Elisabeth Groth
February 10, 2017 8:28 am

4! For sure :)

February 10, 2017 8:53 am

I like #4!

February 10, 2017 9:12 am

4! I think the colors in those look better with your coloring :)

February 10, 2017 9:15 am

I vote #2! :)

February 10, 2017 10:15 am

Both look fantastic! I prefer 4 just a little bit more :)

February 10, 2017 11:55 am

#2 is definitely the most flattering IMO. I also love the color on 4 and think they look great too :)

February 10, 2017 2:10 pm


Kelly Strawberry
February 10, 2017 2:15 pm

#4 was the clear winner to me! Excited to read what you picked!

February 10, 2017 7:59 pm

First, I thought your stories post was adorable. Second, Em, our twinning continues. I have both the same READING GLASSES as you as well as the raglan SUNGLASSES. And I wouldn’t say we have similar face shapes, but somehow it works! XOXOXO