101 in 1001: Recap, Part II

13 October 2010

Today’s categories are Financial, Health & Recreation, Personal Challenges, and Self-Improvement. Let’s see how I did!

Financial (4/6 completed — 67%)

What I completed:
–Buy something that increases in value (a Victorian, mahogany dining room table)
–Don’t eat out for a month
–Keep up with Microsoft Money or a similar system
–Read two financial literacy books a year

What I partially completed:
–Find out my credit score once a year (I only did this once)
–Contribute to IRA annually (I did this two out of three years)

Health & Recreation (7/11 — 64% completed)

What I completed:
–Compile a list of 25 snack ideas and post on refrigerator
–Don’t eat a single fried chicken sandwich in dining hall for a year
–Go to the OB/Gyn
–Take a multivitamin every day for a month. Develop a system.
–Make a list of exercise activities I enjoy and post.
–Take five new people letterboxing
–Place a letterbox

What I partially completed:
–Buy a type of exercise video I’ve never tried and do it three times a week for three months (I did buy the video, and we did try it a few times…)

What I did not complete:
–Conclusively find out my blood type
–Train for and compete in a 5K road race
–Stretch every morning for two weeks

Personal Challenges (5/6 — 83% completed)

What I completed:
–Write down and store end-of-life wishes
–Go camping
–Get up at the same time every day for thirty days in a row
–Make a list of things I don’t like about myself, and try to fix them
–Make a list of things I wish I was, and try to be them

What I did not complete:

Self Improvement (8/10 — 80% completed)

What I completed:
–Attempt to white teeth
–Find a excellent foundation, even if expensive
–Buy or receive a tailored suit
–Maintain no less than a 3.9 GPA through graduation
–Be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa
–Graduate summa cum laude
–Graduate in May 2009

What I did not complete:
–Receive a fellowship for summer 2008
–Arrange three informational interviews for senior year

I’ll be back with the last batch tomorrow, and then favorites, but, as always, you can view the whole list here!

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