101 in 1001: July 2011

1 July 2011

At the beginning of every month, I plan to write a short post covering what I accomplished in the previous month and what I hope to accomplish in the next one. I’ll also introduce you to one of my 101 in 1001 buddies (see them all in the sidebar!). Here we go!

June 1, 2011: 7/101 goals complete, 25/101 goals in progress

Did I complete…
No. 20: Can or pickle some sort of vegetable? Nope, not yet.
No. 30: Try an unusual type of milk? YES! We tried almond milk. It was good, but because it’s not as neutral a taste as regular cow milk, it’s not so good with dinner. But it is fairly good with dessert and Cheerios at breakfast.
No. 70: Consult with a calligrapher and then buy real calligraphy supplies? YES! Although I fully admit to not knowing how to use them yet — it is NOT as easy as you might guess!

Did I begin…
No. 53. Email an Adam Hamilton sermon to someone who might be interested? Nope, not yet.

Sadly, I was NOT able to keep up with all of my monthly commitments (nos. 5, 7, 16, and 48) — I just wasn’t able to make it to the animal shelter :(

Jose Villa

July 1, 2011: 11/101 goals complete, 24/101 goals in progress

Plan to begin:
— No. 45: Read the New Testament
— No. 82: Successfully dock a boat each summer at the Island
— No. 84: Send news to The Quarterly at least once a year
— No. 89: Jump off the dock at the Island once a year (Brrr!! It’s going to be so coooold!)

Plan to continue:
— No. 98: Read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series

Jose Villa

July Spotlight: Jenna of That Wife and Jenna Cole

You can catch up with Jenna’s progress on her goals here! I think she did a fabulous job assembling her list, but my five favorites she’s undertaking are:

Grow and use three varieties of herbs (YES! Everyone should have an herb garden — so easy, and can save you a LOT of money!)
— Join a fresh flowers CSA (This sounds like a dream!)
— Sew a skirt
— Build up a collection of Dr. Seuss books (May I suggest The Butter Battle Book?)
— Buy red lipstick

In the meantime, you can see the details on all of my goals right here. Here’s to a great month!

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Chelsey @ 4th and Folded
July 1, 2011 5:32 pm

I really wish I knew calligraphy; it can be so gorgeous – good luck!

July 2, 2011 9:46 pm

A battle about butter? I think that could be my favorite kind!

I am sad to say I haven't completed any of those, but I am making headway on the Dr. Seuss books, and I'm trading photography for sewing lessons with a friend. I've had my machine for almost 3 years and haven't really ever used it!