Summertime in Connecticut

10 July 2018

Because it’s the summer I grew up with, a Connecticut summer will always seem like the most classic version: green everything, water everywhere, lobster shacks, ice cream cones, country roads… I know June will probably feel differently, and that’s okay! But I hope she also loves her New England visits, and if this year’s week in Connecticut was any indication, we’re off to a good start :) Here are a few highlights from our week at home in June, if you’d like to see!

We kicked off the week with the wedding of a dear high school friend, the impetus for this trip in the first place! John was a groomsman, June was the only child in attendance and had a blast chasing the spotlights on the dance floor, and the weather was perfection. Plus, the wedding was at the Branford House, where Natalie and Joe got married, so that was extra fun!

Every single one of our high school friends was reunited from across the country for the occasion, which was indescribably sweet! And there’s my Junebug, cheesing it up at 10pm just before we left for the night :)

Esker Point Beach

Hanna Andersson swim

Eastern Point Beach

We generally had impeccable weather, which lent itself to several beach days (at Esker Point and Eastern Point, for locals who are wondering!).

strawberry supper

One extra-fun quirk in the timing of our trip was that we were home for my childhood church’s strawberry supper, which happens once a year. It cracked me up to get the mini-celebrity treatment (my church is very small and the older ladies were excited to meet June for the first time!), and June clearly enjoyed the signature dessert.

Sift Bake Shop

New England home

We of course spent lots of time in Mystic — going to the aquarium (baby belugas!), Treehouse for dinner, Red36 for lunch, eating ice cream by the drawbridge, and checking on our house :) We also made a celebratory trip to Sift the day after the owner won Best Baker in America, and all of June’s dreams came true when she was handed a pink and purple macaron with sprinkles!



abbott's view

We made our usual trip to Abbott’s, home of our rehearsal dinner and gigantic fish under the dock you can feed with oyster crackers.

Branford House picnic


kite flying

beach roses

We brought a Mystic Market picnic back to the Branford House, where we had the most beautiful backdrop for an afternoon of kite flying.


We had breakfast at Noah’s (a must-do!) and wandered the streets of Stonington Borough, heaven for this home lover (and her flower-loving child).




And of course, the best part is that we spent plenty of time just hanging around John’s parents’ house, enjoying our family… nothing better.

More to come from our week in Maine soon!

P.S. Our last weeklong summer trip to Connecticut (baby June!!)

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July 11, 2018 5:20 pm

What a lovely trip! Fun seeing some familiar sights and faces in your photos!!

July 15, 2018 4:51 pm

You look so beautiful, Em! Always a delight seeing your growing belly.

July 18, 2018 4:23 pm

What a wonderful trip! As always, June is making me envious of her cute clothes. Does the striped red and white dress come in adult sizes?! :) And there’s the roses in Stonington picture you mentioned – so, so pretty! Happy Summer to you guys!