January Goals

2 January 2013

Sheesh, y’all are probably sick of my goals by now! (I hope not, because I’ve got lots more where this came from!) Well, they’ll actually go back to being more “behind the scenes” for awhile, as I work on what I’ve set out for January, but I promise I’ll be back in February to report on my progress and set out some new ones. I firmly believe that writing goals down is essential to sticking to them, so here we go!

Elsie de Wolfe quote

This month, I will:
— Find something to turn into a prayer journal around the house, or buy something new if necessary (for Daily Goals)
— Complete list of power foods and post (for Daily Goals)
— Schedule visit with my Dad’s mom (for no. 10)
— Make 2012 contribution to my IRA (for no. 18)
— Brainstorm get together and dinner party plans for 2013 and commit to months for each (for nos. 41, 78, 82)
— Decide on the next biography I’ll read and obtain it (for no. 61)
— Conceptualize, make, photograph, and list one entirely new product in my shop (for no. 72)
— Upload first Friends of Em banner (for no. 73)
— Wear my updo at least one more time (for no. 93)
— Submit our wedding announcement (for no. 97)

You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. Now, off to schedule each of these in my planner! If you’d like to share your goals for January, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!

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January 2, 2013 9:18 pm

Emily, love these goals! I’m a goal-gal myself, and I’m loving the breakdown of goals into month-size chunks. I might have to borrow the idea. Looking forward to seeing how you progress!

January 3, 2013 10:12 am

Emily, I love hearing about your goals, especially since you start a plan of action to actually complete them! (which is usually my downfall) Good luck to you and checking things off of your list!

January 3, 2013 11:03 am

[…] Things Happen, or Emily reminding me to Simplify My Life, or Nancy and Em, encouraging me to set goals. I found inspiration and motivation from beautiful women all over the inter-webs. And so here I am, […]

January 4, 2013 4:17 pm

Good luck with finishing your 101 in 1001 project! I am in the last 9 months of mine as well. Good luck with conceptualizing a new Etsy Shop Product and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

January 6, 2013 9:21 am

Oh, I love that quote! Also – I think it’s incredibly special that you’re making time to visit your grandmother this month. Good luck with your January Goals, Em!

January 27, 2013 12:54 am

Ooh, I need to do this too!!!:( my updates slipped!!