October 2015 Goals

1 October 2015

September was a great month for goals! I was pretty ambitious, setting myself eight, but I still managed to check off six. Apparently I just don’t care enough about the tray – something lingering on my goal list for several months in a row is usually an indicator of that – but the more significant one was not running the 5k. Not running in the race was less about being pregnant and more about just not being quite on track with our training. We realized that our usual runs are around 2.8 miles, and though I might have been able to stretch my distance for the 5k (or walked some of it), we decided not to add extra pressure right now. So, running in a Chick-fil-a 5k remains on my 60 Before 30 list, and I WILL check it off before 2017! By the way, I’m at 27 goals completed — almost halfway there!

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This is from about two weeks ago, at 22 weeks — 25 weeks on Friday!

Revisiting my goals for September:
Post an updated house tour (checking this off since part one was posted and part two is ready to go!)
Start a registry for baby girl
Make nursery plans so that we are ready to paint when my parents come in October
Celebrate our third anniversary!
Volunteer and shop at my church’s awesome kids consignment sale
Finish organizing our upstairs closets
Visit my younger sister in Nashville! Figure out how we are going to eat twenty meals in 2.5 days!
Paint my tray
Run my first ever 5k

October goals:
— Paint baby girl’s room
— Switch out baby girl’s light fixture
— Assemble crib
— Order crib bedding
— Make first draft of labor and delivery preferences
— Organize linen/party closet
— Successfully lead discussion in our family group for the next three weeks
— Create my own version of this glitter star garland

Plus a few things from my Fall To Do List I plan to check off this month…
— Introduce John’s parents and aunts to Asheville on our annual trip
— Host the third annual pumpkin carving and soup night
— Catch the goat showmanship competition at the NC State Fair
— Make biscuits at our church’s Fair booth

My goals are definitely baby heavy this month, since we’ll have extra hands on deck! How about you? If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments!

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October 1, 2015 9:51 am

So excited to see how you decorate your baby girl’s nursery!! :) And pumpkin carving + soup night sounds like such a fun & wonderful tradition!

October 1, 2015 11:10 am

I haven’t posted mine yet….eek! I’m intrigued by your pumpkin carving and soup night. Is that a tradition? I’d love to do one myself!

October 1, 2015 2:54 pm

I like your Kentucky for Kentucky shirt you’re modeling!! Hello from Lexington.

October 1, 2015 6:38 pm

I love reading your goals and am so excited to hear about the goats! :)

I also want to hear more about this pumpkin carving and soup night. I always watch Hocus Pocus too which I put in my goals this month. That will be a fun one to cross off!




October 1, 2015 7:00 pm

Such a cute photo! Also, have you thought about running a turkey trot? They are the best! You can find them in lots of cities the weekend before Thanksgiving and then, of course, the day of. There’s a great one in Pinehurst the weekend before Thanksgiving. I bet you could convince a few red-headed Durham friends to join you!

October 1, 2015 7:57 pm

I’m really excited to see how her nursery turns out – I do hope you’ll be sharing that with us! I also keep forgetting that the State Fair is coming up so soon… I haven’t been since early college and will definitely need to head back there soon!!

Here are my October goals: https://stephseekingjoy.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/october-2015-goals/

October 1, 2015 8:13 pm

Lots of baby themed goals for October…! Too cute and how exciting for you guys.

Here are my goals: http://thebellelumiere.net/2015/10/01/october-goals-2/

October 2, 2015 10:41 am

I love all the baby goals this month! good luck!

October 2, 2015 11:28 am

So many exciting baby to-dos this month! You are the cutest, Emily. My goals can be found here this month :) http://www.kylamary.com/2015/10/october-goals/

October 2, 2015 4:53 pm

I can relate to your challenge in running a 5K, Emily! I was actually a big distance runner in high school and God blessed me with some wonderful successes, but with rheumatoid arthritis now it’s hard to run a 5K. Somedays I can do it and other days I just can’t. It’s good for me having something like that that is out of my control to an extent and in God’s hands. :) My encouragement to you and to everyone is to run while you still can! I had no idea I’d wake up one day a couple days after my last track meet of high school and never be able to compete at that level again. It’s a good reminder to not take our health for granted I guess. :)

My October goals and a little honest confession about how even life coaches aren’t always the best at completing their goals (so don’t be too hard on yourself!): http://dianakerr.com/october-goals-2015/

Thanks for sharing your goals each month, Emily!