Today I Love Silhouettes (In My Hand)

2 April 2009

If you’ve loved yesterday and today’s silhouettes as much as I have, and are now in the market for one or two of your own, I’ve got some resources for you!

First up, The Man himself, at least in the world of silhouettes. He’s been featured in Martha Stewart Weddings, as well as in the wedding of M & C (featured here). Here he is cutting away at Katie and Ian’s wedding:

And here is the link to his company, Cut Arts.

Besides Karl there are so many fabulous artisans out there making innovative silhouettes, like this one made from wood by Jenny Lee Fowler

… or this one of patterned paper by Bitty Starr.

Or, if you’d prefer to go the DIY route, Mrs. Green Tea just wrote up a super-informative tutorial on making your own silhouettes and using them in graphic design projects. Check it out here.

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April 7, 2009 12:03 am

hey thx for the shoutout! ;)

April 7, 2009 12:45 am

Sure thing – I can’t wait to try it myself.