December Goals

2 December 2013


So this deer. He and his brethren are handmade from logs and twigs in a nearby town, and every time we drove by the little herd with their knobbly legs and adorable upturned tails, I would think to myself, one day, one of you will be mine. And this weekend, one day arrived! Bucky was lovingly tucked into our car (supported by blankets and the jumper cable kit so as not to bend his antlers) and carefully driven home. He is already happily ensconced on our porch… with a wreath around his neck. He seems to be a hit with the neighborhood kids.

Even aside from acquiring my long-hoped-for deer, November was really, really good. I checked off all of my goals (INCLUDING refinishing our dining room table!!), and feel rested and ready for December after an extra-long Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

December goals:
— Try my hand at making toffee
— Love on our three loved ones who either just had a baby or will have one this month
— Send out our Christmas cards with a personal note on each
— Leave a homemade treat for our mail man
— Spread love and light as we take two separate trips to celebrate Christmas with family
— Figure out what form my long term goals will take in 2014

I would love to hear what you have planned for this month!

P.S. I’m excited and a little nervous about the post going up tomorrow — promise to come back and take a peek?