Working part-time as a mom, part four
This is the fourth and final post in my working part-time as a mom series! If you need to catch up, start here: Part One: Background on my work history and some reasons (or not) for shortening my work weekPart Two: Why we chose me over my husband, why we chose going part-time over other solutions, and the financial impactPart Three: My role, negotiation, and how I structure my time at work In the first post, I shared a bit about my intentions for how I would spend my extra time outside of work. I wrote that I did not want to add more tasks to my plate, but that this change was largely about shifting the timing of tasks (from evenings/weekends to the workweek) versus adding new tasks or responsibilities. I also planned to prioritize digital tasks, because they are the most opaque and thus least likely to teach my children something, and tasks that are complicated with the ages of our children. Almost five months in, I would say I’ve hewed pretty well to these hopes. In looking back over what I’ve accomplished in this season of Fridays (which is easy, because you know I love me some good record keeping), a few things have surprised me: — I knew that grocery shopping would be a constant every week, but I thought cleaning out my email inbox would be, too. (Not getting to email zero, but just responding to anything that came in in the last few days that needed a response.) That has flat-out not happened at all. I also have yet to work on a blog post on a Friday (!), something I definitely thought would happen. — I have gone to Trader Joe’s WAY more than I expected, ha. Though I love TJ’s, it’s just far-enough out