9 January 2025
Hello, friends! Happy 2025! Having released the need to have my goals ready to roll on January 1 a few years ago – but fully retained my delight in sharing them with you here – I’m so happy to chat all things goals today. This is a process I find deep joy in. I know it’s not the case for everyone, but the idea of goals being stressful or guilt-ridden is alien to me. I say that not as some sort of strange brag, but just as an acknowledgment that I have been doing this a long time, and that the Cultivate Way is so deeply ingrained in me it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. To me, the goal-setting process is almost all upside: it’s a chance to clarify what matters in the big picture, make decisions based on what I uncover that focus my time and attention right now, and experience joy and satisfaction as I take small steps forward. Goal setting, for me, also brings joy because it’s about connecting with others. Chatting with you all here, and with friends offline, has always been one of the best parts of goal setting! I’m grateful for our conversations and for your encouragement along the way. Enough intro – onto the goals! This year, I’ve organized my pursuits into buckets, loosely titled big goals, small goals, and habits – five of each. I’m also sharing my tech-related goals, though pointing you to The Connected Family for more detail on those. Buckle up, because we’ve got a lot to cover this year – more than usual! I’ve tried to describe each goal in brief below, but rest assured we will be chatting about many of these in more detail as the year goes on. It also
10 December 2024
In the last few days, I have gently sidearmed several wonderful social opportunities from my December calendar. One was a monthly get-together with two dear girlfriends, another a lengthy phone call with a faraway friend. While I treasure and look forward to getting these on my calendar soon, as I survey what’s already on my calendar, it’s clear that adding something else in December would make it less likely I’d be able to enjoy the tasks I know I have ahead of me: wrapping gifts, addressing cards, reading picture books, sharing year-end posts right here on EFM. And I really do love those things, when I have the time to do them! So yes, there’s a tinge of regret when I suggest postponing til January, but also the comforting feeling of caring for myself well. As a one of the friends said when she got my text, “this is big Enneagram 5 energy,” ha. Feel free to borrow a little of that energy today, if you need. Saying “let’s plan for January!” might just be the best gift you could give yourself now, no wrapping needed :) On my calendar:— Handel’s Messiah at Duke Chapel (above). I’ve wanted to attend for years, and a few Articles Club gals and I finally made it happen! It was beautiful.— Dinner out with John for our 2024 review and celebration. Locals, we’re trying Figulina and this pasta lover is excited.— A post-Christmas mountain trip with my family. We’ll spend a few days in Blowing Rock and are planning to take the kids snow tubing for the first time! Fingers crossed for some real snow, too. What I’m loving right now:— Crafting with my girl! One day last week while the two littles were on a playdate, we pulled a set of paper mache houses
4 November 2024
October was full (actually, really full as I look back at my calendar), but its pace felt just right. We had time for movie night each Friday, for playdates and playing outside, for an impromptu hot dog and fire pit dinner with friends, for crafting Halloween costumes and walking to soccer and celebrating birthdays and TTT and volunteering at school each week. I try not to take any of it for granted, because it is all precious to me – and though it doesn’t feel like I’m fighting for it in the moment, I know we stacked many decisions on top of one another to get to this place. In this month of gratitude, I am grateful. On my calendar:— Voting, always.— Thanksgiving in Virginia with John’s side of the family!— Beginning my 2025 PowerSheets. I chose Aloe! What I’m loving right now:— Clothing swaps! Every few months the ladies of my church community group do a clothing/home items/toy swap and it is the best! I left the last one with two new-to-me pairs of jeans, a real boon to my wallet.— Speaking of jeans: In addition to the CG jeans, I bought this pair after trying them on in store. I feel like they’re a very wearable pair of wide-leg jeans if you, like me, have been hesitant to branch out from skinnies!— I’m surprised I’ve never mentioned this before, but this carpet spray is a dream for getting stains out of rugs and all kinds of upholstery. I just ordered another bottle. As a reminder, you can find allll the things I’ve loved over the last few years neatly organized right here! Last month on The Connected Family:— Why we still read aloud to our third grader | It may be as much as for her as it is for
4 October 2024
I drafted this post late in September, a few days before Hurricane Helene hit Western North Carolina. Under what I was looking forward to I had listed our annual fall mountains trip, which was scheduled for Lake Lure. “These trips have been some of the sweetest times together each year for our family,” I wrote. As best we can tell, the town of Chimney Rock, where we planned to stay, is almost completely washed away. The Flower Bridge, which we planned to visit, is washed away. The Lake Lure Dam has so far held, but only just so. Hundreds of roads are closed. We will not be traveling to WNC in a few weeks, and we are devastated by the loss of life, property, and beautiful landmarks in our beloved mountains. This week has been a flurry of Spirit-empowered prayer, text messages between friends, Venmos sent to friends of friends, notes compared, networks activated, giving opportunities shared, diapers and water and socks and trash bags loaded in trucks headed west. John and I have also donated to Samaritan’s Purse, whose headquarters is smack dab in the middle of the disaster, and the Red Cross. We will continue to pray and give, to gather and send. And we will continue to earnestly tend to the small details of our lives, loving our people by what we say and what we do. May all my NC neighbors have that opportunity again soon. On my calendar:— Seeing the Lazy Genius at Quail Ridge! A quorum of Articles Club will be in attendance for her book launch and we are excited.— The NC State Fair! I promised the big kids we could ride on the giant swings this year :)— Lara and Ari’s vow renewal! Grateful to get to celebrate their love with friends