Pet Nicknames
It is a well known fact that John and I are more than a little enamored with our cats. (John is actually known as the “cat whisperer” amongst our family and friends.) Cat whisperer from a young age Our infatuation has led to a variety of nicknames for our kitties, some more embarrassing and some less. For example, Jacquelyn goes by Jack, Jackapoo, Jackie Baby, Little Baby (she’s very small), Jack Jack, Pants, Little Pants, and Pantsicles. Yes, these are all things we call her on a regular basis. Oliver answers to Ollie, Ollers, Oller Man, Mister Man, Business Man, Dobo, and Fuzzy Trousers. We can’t be the only ones with cuckoo names for our pets, so spill it: what’s the most embarrassing name you use for your furry friends? I would LOVE to hear :)