Pure Barre
Wow! Thank you all SO much for your advice and insight on this post! John and I eagerly read through every comment. The most common suggestions were to take as much emotion out of the process as possible, and to hire a really, really thorough home inspector, but if you’re interested in this topic, you should definitely check out what everyone had to say! I’m excited to say that we’ve been pre-approved for our loan (yay!) and are going to look at our first house on Saturday morning! I’ll definitely keep you updated throughout the process! In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about something else that’s been occupying my time – Pure Barre! Starting some sort of exercise class was one of my 101 in 1001 goals, and I’m so happy to have checked this one off the list. The funny thing about being thin is that it’s easy to trick yourself into thinking you’re in shape, when in reality (at least for me), that is sadly, sadly not the case. Let’s face it: I’m about as weak as a newborn puppy. So yes, the first class totally kicked my butt, but I’m excited to go back! For those who are wondering, here’s what Pure Barre is all about: — The classes are one hour long, and you gogogo the entire time. I hardly had a chance to sip water. — There is no cardio – the focus is entirely on creating long, lean muscles. — You do a little bit of arms, some stretching, a good amount of abs, and lots of leg work. The fast pace and constant switching (we used the barre, a mat, a rubber ball, a stretchy elasta band, and weights at different points) makes it easier to keep going and stay focused