Best of 2020 – with friends!
Did I cringe a bit typing in the title of this post? Yes, yes, I did. Not because this weird year hasn’t had its superlative moments for our family – it has – but because I worried it might feel insensitive to talk about the best parts of a year to readers who may have had a much harder go in 2020 than we have. If you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or even just the painful loss of hopes or expectations, it might feel flippant to talk about favorite TV shows or little luxuries. My hope, though, in writing this post is that it would help me to reframe the narrative of this hard year, focusing on the gifts and the good instead of the more obvious disappointments. After all… As you read along and reflect on your own year, I hope my musings might help you to pick out your own glittering moments. In the comments, please share a few of your best memories, finds, and favorites from 2020, if you’d like. As always, I can’t wait to hear! P.S. Like last year, I invited a few of my favorite blogging friends – Lisa / Stephanie / Nancy / Rhi – to join me. I think you will love reading their reflections, too! Best adventure/travel/trip: Our detour to the Berkshires (en route to Maine) stands out. Situated in early July, it was our first big adventure after quarantine, and because we’d never been there before, the whole experience felt shiny and new. I have the sweetest memories of sunset takeout, paddling in the warm water with June, and cozy post-shower snuggles with the kids in the big bed, warm summer air floating through the window. Best book: I read 31 books