28 February 2014
With my birthday, this project has concluded! Go here to see my full recap. Happy birthday to me! 27 is the first year, I think, that has felt “older.” Not “old,” and not older in a bad way, just… older. It seems like I’m closer to late-twenties than mid-twenties now. I see 30 on the horizon, and I want to be ready for it. So, instead of launching a third 101 in 1001 list, I’m trying a 60 Before 30 list! Some of these “goals” are silly, some are serious, some will be really hard, and some are already well on their way to completion. More than anything, I hope writing these things down and working toward them will help me become the person I want to be — strong in mind, body, and spirit; capable and adventurous; encouraging and kind; grateful and generous — when I reach a new decade. Start: February 28, 2014 End: February 27, 2017 Items completed: 43 1. Cultivate a lemon tree and/or blueberry bush (blueberry bush planted April 2015 and I am so excited!!) 2. Post a guide to the Triangle on EFM 3. Support a friend in something he or she is doing (Kollin’s Kickstarter!) 4. Expand on my very minimal eye makeup techniques (thanks to my personal consult with Sam in December 2016!) 5. Host a themed party 6. Go on a missions trip 7. Plant something pretty around our mailbox (March 2014) 8. Order an heirloom-quality wedding album for our home (January 2015 – post here) 9. Make a watercolor, oil, or acrylic painting 10. Develop a repertoire of at least 12 plant-strong meals we love (post here) 11. Make an appointment with an allergist and consider treatment plan options (June 2014) 12. Pay off the Mariner car loan (February
2 January 2014
Happy New Year, friends! I’ve finally resigned myself to the fact that I’m in the middle of recovering from a cold, which doesn’t help with the “fresh start” feeling, but we’re laying low and making the best of it. I really enjoyed looking back at 2013 a few days ago, and now it’s time to look ahead! Y’all know I love me some goals, but let’s back up for a moment. The reason that I set goals — big goals, small goals — is to help me move closer to the person I want to be and the life I want to lead. In the past few years, I’ve used a combination of goal types in this pursuit: Daily goals. You can see my daily goals for 2013 here and 2012 here. The basic idea is that I make a list of daily practices that I want to become habits by the end of the year. In January, February, and March, I promise myself I’ll do at least three of the practices every day. In April, May, and June, five. In July, August, and September, seven. In October, November, and December, nine. The thing I love most about this system is that it doesn’t expect me to do everything every day, or all at once. I’m able to gradually incorporate the changes into my life over a year, and if I slip up a few times, that’s okay. I use this to track my daily progress. I prefer this type of system/habit building to setting one-off goals because it shifts the focus from checking things off and moving on to moving forward in a sustainable way. Monthly goals. See here or here for examples. John thinks these are more similar to “to do” lists rather than lists of goals, but
1 October 2013
September was SO good! As many of you know, it’s my very favorite month of the year, and here in NC we had picture perfect weather — warm, with the perfect note of crispness in the air. Our windows were open almost every day, and all that fresh air definitely confirmed for me the start of a new season. We capped off a wonderful month with a visit from my parents this past weekend! My bluegrass-loving father was collecting on a birthday present: tickets to a massive festival in Raleigh! A highlight was seeing George Banks play banjo. But on to goals! I did well on my list for September — we hung our curtains (made such a difference!), painted a chalkboard wall (love it already!), planned Kate’s shower (so excited for this weekend!), and celebrated our anniversary (love that man). I STILL have not checked off refinishing our table, which to tell you the truth kind of makes me annoyed at myself. I think this goal intimidates me because I’m not sure how I’m going to get our (very heavy, solid mahogany) table outside, and I’m not sure what I need to do to it once I get it outside. But, it badly needs to get done. So, it’s going on my list of goals… for the third month in a row. — Refinish dining room table — Volunteer at our church’s ham biscuit booth at the State Fair — Deck out our mantel and front steps with fall goodness — Photograph and post about how + why I use my planner — Finalize and print our household maintenance tracker With three trips, two sets of weekend visitors, and a fall to do list, I think that’s quite enough for October. In other goal-related news, after almost three years,
1 August 2013
Welcome to a brand new month, friends! August is here, and it is going to be marvelous! Blueberry picking at Buckwheat Farm! July was full and wonderful, capped off by our week long trip to Northern Michigan. Last month we also managed to organize the loft, which serves as a crafting and storage space for my shop. It had been a hot mess since moving day, but no more! Pictures to come soon! We also hung several pieces of art downstairs and have plans for several more. My bike is in the shop for its tune-up as we speak, and last night (squeaking in under the wire!) I submitted my life insurance application. We decided to postpone a rain barrel for the moment — for some reason I was under the impression that we could get one from our town for $10, but it’s actually $85 :( August is shaping up to be quite busy — it’s traditionally one of the most hectic at work for me, and we’ll also be in New England for ten days. Therefore, my main goal this month is to spend the free time I DO have wisely, and then enjoy each minute to the full! Especially looking forward to lots of family time, boat rides, long walks, and lungfuls of the pine salt air that sings “Maine” to me. A few additional goals: — Read To Kill a Mockingbird for no. 13 (my favorite book of all time — worth reading over and over!) — Start the retirement series for Marvelous Money (whoo!) — Host an adventure dinner party for no. 41 (WHOO!!) — Help lead a service at the Island for no. 50 — Refinish our dining room table — Hang our gallery wall! — Hang our master bedroom curtains You can see