1 August 2013
Welcome to a brand new month, friends! August is here, and it is going to be marvelous! Blueberry picking at Buckwheat Farm! July was full and wonderful, capped off by our week long trip to Northern Michigan. Last month we also managed to organize the loft, which serves as a crafting and storage space for my shop. It had been a hot mess since moving day, but no more! Pictures to come soon! We also hung several pieces of art downstairs and have plans for several more. My bike is in the shop for its tune-up as we speak, and last night (squeaking in under the wire!) I submitted my life insurance application. We decided to postpone a rain barrel for the moment — for some reason I was under the impression that we could get one from our town for $10, but it’s actually $85 :( August is shaping up to be quite busy — it’s traditionally one of the most hectic at work for me, and we’ll also be in New England for ten days. Therefore, my main goal this month is to spend the free time I DO have wisely, and then enjoy each minute to the full! Especially looking forward to lots of family time, boat rides, long walks, and lungfuls of the pine salt air that sings “Maine” to me. A few additional goals: — Read To Kill a Mockingbird for no. 13 (my favorite book of all time — worth reading over and over!) — Start the retirement series for Marvelous Money (whoo!) — Host an adventure dinner party for no. 41 (WHOO!!) — Help lead a service at the Island for no. 50 — Refinish our dining room table — Hang our gallery wall! — Hang our master bedroom curtains You can see
3 June 2013
Hello, friends! Welcome to June! John Dolan I completed all of my May goals except the household maintenance calendar/checklist. I’m pretty much done with it, but I thought it would be wise to get settled in the new house before finalizing and printing! Per request I will plan to share it here afterward. On to June! This month I will… — Finish moving and unpacking! — Plan our July road trip to Michigan! — Buy an American flag for our porch before the Fourth of July — Build a raised bed — Sharpen our knives. A sharp knife is a safe knife, after all :) — Meet our three closest neighbors (and hopefully make a good impression!) — Clear out the starred items in my Google Reader before it shuts down, and switch to another service (Feedly?) You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. If you’d like to share your goals for June, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out! P.S. I meant to add this note to my last post, but I wanted to let my NC peeps know that I just added a “North Carolina” category to the blog, where all my local posts can now be found!
3 May 2012
I’m going to take a short break from my South Carolina trip recaps to bring you my May goals! I didn’t post any April goals this year, though I did manage to make progress on several 101 in 1001 projects last month, so that’s something :) Once Wed So: May goals. I’ll be traveling for a full week this month, so I’m keeping things simple! — Design and print address labels for the Em for Marvelous shop — Research local Parks & Rec dance classes to hopefully kick off no. 86! — Read my thesis again :) — Buy a straw tumbler. Thank you all again for the recommendations! You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals right here!
1 February 2012
It’s been a few months since my last 101 post, so I figured we were all due for an update and check in! Close observers of my original list will notice that I’ve modified a few goals since January 1, 2011. Some purists might consider that “cheating,” but to me, the point of a 101 in 1001 project is not slogging through a set of outdated goals that are no longer relevant or meaningful, but pushing and challenging yourself to live a better, more full life everyday. With that, here are my goals for February: — Finish the biography of John Adams I’m reading (for no. 61) — Print out a favorite poem and commit to reading it every night as I brush my teeth (for no. 56) — Design and print Em for Marvelous return address labels for Etsy store (for no. 76) — Order my Warby Parker glasses now that I’ve returned my try on pairs (for no. 95) Theurel & Thomas branding via Black*Eiffel (photos from Anagrama) I also wanted to give you a quick update on my 2012 goal of establishing certain daily habits. (Here’s the original post if you missed it!) In a word, it’s going fantastic! I ended up ordering the goal log, and it’s been so helpful in keeping me on point. If you’ve posted about February goals, feel free to leave a comment below — I’d love to come take a peek!