September 2022 goals
I’m one month into my new work rhythm, we’re back from two weeks in New England, June is back to school, Annie is walking, and fall is around the corner. And this month? This month, John and I celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary. I am grateful and in awe, and included a nod to this milestone on my PowerSheets: “If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.” Taking care feels effortless some days and a tall order others, but every day, I feel sure we’ve found a treasure in each other. We will be celebrating big this month, and I can’t wait!

On my calendar this month:
— The first day of fall! We’ll bake apple cider scones for our family and June’s teachers, a tradition we started six years ago.
— My very favorite kids consignment sale!
— Our tenth wedding anniversary and trip to Bermuda!!!
What I’m loving right now:
— When in Maine, Kate introduced us to the card game Dutch Blitz, and I. could not. get. enough. It’s addicting in a similar way to solitaire (maybe I’ll win if I play just one more time!), but is played in a group. SO FUN. (You can buy an expansion pack to play with more than four, too!)
— Martha Stewart was the topic of our most recent Articles Club, and this podcast episode was in the bonus material. As a very longtime Martha fan, I felt seen (and even learned some new info!). A very enjoyable hour!
— This clock was included in our kitchen refresh design plan. I ordered and hung it back in May (for $8 less than it’s now listed for, sob) and it’s kept my hope for this project alive through many months of no progress. Aside from being a beacon of hope, It’s so nice to be able to see the time from almost anywhere in our downstairs without needing to have my phone on me.
As a reminder, you can find alllll the things I’ve loved over the last few years neatly organized right here!
What I read in August:
— I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet | Hoo boy. I know I have many Shauna Niequist fans reading (I count myself among them!), but… this was not my favorite of her titles. The subtitle – “discovering new ways of living when the old ways stop working” – is important here: I realized pretty quickly that her “old” ways and my “current” ways are very similar. She speaks very compassionately about her old ways (not in a disparaging way!), and there are extremely valid, difficult reasons why she needed to find new ways – but I don’t have those reasons, and so this book just wasn’t what I needed for this season. And that’s okay!
My reading list for 2022, if you’d like to follow along!
Revisiting my August goals:Enjoy our time in Maine and ConnecticutEdit June in June Volume 7 (I finally picked a song!! Progress to come!)Plan and enjoy our back-to-school dinner (Met with handyman and Callie! Tile, cabinet hardware, hood vent, lights have been ordered!)
Make kitchen decisions and order thingsMake powder room decisions and order things (Light has been ordered but I can’t really say this is complete…)
Complete June’s baby bookAdjust to my four-day work week rhythm
September goals:
— All hands on deck for the kitchen project! This is the big month when work will start and (hopefully!) be finished!!
— Order mirror and hand towel for powder room
— Edit June in June Volume 7
— Film Sheptember, Volume 4
— Complete June’s baby book
— Prepare well for and enjoy our anniversary trip
— Clear the backlog on my “Friday list.” In the weeks before my schedule shifted at work, I began to put tasks on a “Friday list” – things I’d get to when I was no longer working on Fridays. There are currently 32 items on it (some big, some very tiny) and I’d love to clear at least half of them out this month!
I’d love to hear: what are you celebrating these days? Big or little – all good things welcome :)
As a reminder, many of these are drawn from my 2022 goals!
I am on a huge Martha Stewart kick right now. I picked up an old Martha Stewart Living magazine (Jan 2004) in a free pile at the library, and it is so good! Way better than magazines these days, and I like magazines. Got a bunch of her decorating books from the 90s, and it’s been a super informative–full of timeless style and amazing diy. Highly recommend! I’ve saved that podcast to listen to!
Oh, you’re making me nostalgic for old MSL and MSW issues! I subscribed to both for YEARS and they were truly the height of magazines and lifestyle inspiration for me. So good!
Yes, I love that podcast and particularly enjoyed the Martha Stewart episode. So good! Looking forward to getting back into fall rhythms whenever cooler weather returns to NC. I’ve enjoyed trips to the pool with my son throughout the summer, but I am ready to get back to daily walks/bike rides around the neighborhood. Also looking forward to taking steps toward figuring out fertility issues we’ve been having trying to have baby #2. Have several appointments set up this month to get things figured out. Feeling way more optimistic than I have in a while that we can actually get a game plan together to make things happen. :)
Enjoy your anniversary trip! That sounds so nice! Congratulations on 10 years!
Knowing you have next steps in place even if there are still a lot of unknowns is such a good feeling. Will be thinking about you, Sara!
I love reading your goals each month! Congrats on your 10th anniversary!! That is a big deal! Also I love your anniversary.. also my birthday! Happy time of the year.
Maybe this is nosy, but I’m curious to hear more of your thoughts on Shauna’s new book. I haven’t read it yet, but I heard a podcast with her previewing the book and it sounded similar to my current life too. Maybe we can chat next AC about it.
Can we see that Friday list? :) I have a similar “when I have free time” list but sometimes it’s nice to get ideas from other people!
Just co-signing a blogpost that is titled “The when I have free time list”! Would love to read that :)
I also want to see the Friday list ;)
HA! Yes, I am working on a post about my new work schedule and how I’ve been spending Fridays and I will definitely include it there! And I’d love to talk more about her book next time we’re together :)
Congratulations on 10 years! Bermuda will be so fun – can’t wait for your recap, ha! Same goes for the kitchen remodel. So exciting!
As for celebrating – I just ordered some Fall candles from my friend‘s Etsy shop to gift to my kids‘ teachers. Anything to bring some Fall feeling to this never ending summer in Savannah :)
Also, my mom will be staying with us for two weeks and we have a fun trip planned to Charleston including the „Beyond Van Gogh“ experience. Can‘t wait!!
Ahhh I’ve seen ads for the Van Gogh experience over the last few months and it looks amazing! Have so much fun!!
How have we never played Dutch Blitz!? I apologize on behalf of the Ray family and all the years we have played games together. Am I even a real friend at this point? I don’t know. But so glad to know Kate introduced you!!
ALSO. 10 YEARS!!!!!!!!
I know what we’re doing next camping trip!