What I’ll remember about summer 2021

6 September 2021

Happy Labor Day, friends! To mark summer’s unofficial end, I thought I’d record a few things I want to remember from this season, inspired by one of my favorite bloggers. It would be easy to just remember the bigger events (ahem, someone’s birth! someone’s injury!) or to focus on what this summer didn’t include (a trip to the Maine, for the first time ever), so I like the idea of capturing the little pleasures and particulars to look back on. Here’s some of what we’ll remember from summer 2021…

Listening: Leading up to Annie’s birth, I started to crave the worship of strong female voices. (A different kind of pregnancy craving, ha!) I put together this playlist, mostly of Mission House and FAITHFUL songs, and it’s what we ended up listening to in the delivery room. It’s been a calming and strengthening companion after her birth, too.

Eating: All the Meal Train meals, thank you Jesus and friends! Highlights included this casserole (thank you, Libby!) and a picnic meal with this chicken salad, this potato salad, fruit salad, and Garden Salsa Sun Chips (thank you, Ginna!). I hadn’t eaten Sun Chips in years and it turns out they are SO GOOD.

Visiting: We opted out of a neighborhood pool membership last year with all the COVID uncertainty, so it was a delight to get back to it this summer! Even with John’s injury and my very-pregnant self and then a newborn, we made it to the pool several times a week and the kids LOVED it. Our favorite time to go was after dinner – there was something about the cooler temps, the emptier pool, and the proximity to bedtime that made our visits a bit magical.

Wearing: My nap dress was worn 2-3 times a week, I kid you not. The perfect late-pregnancy, post-partum, easy-breezy outfit. I’m glad it was permanently memorialized in Annie’s newborn photos because it was definitely the outfit of the moment.

I was also influenced into a pair of fauxm (faux, foam, haha) Birks for all those pool trips. Two thumbs up.

Enjoying: The company of my parents. Though I wouldn’t necessarily have chosen to have them stay with us for several weeks leading up to and including Annie’s birth, we are so grateful to have had their help and their companionship. Living far apart makes our time together precious, and I did my best to soak it up.

Learning: With all our time at the pool, June’s swimming improved leaps and bounds! She completely ditched her floatie, gained so much confidence in swimming underwater, and even bought these dive rings with her own money :) Lessons with a neighborhood college student were the highlight of her weeks.

Attending: Physical therapy appointments! John’s been going twice a week since he graduated from crutches, right around when Annie was born. His at-home exercises were as much a part of our evening routine as a plate of juicy peach slices.

Watching: Parental leave was the perfect opportunity to indulge in the Tokyo Olympics full force and we certainly did. July also brought the return of Ted Lasso – season two has been SO GOOD so far! (Rom-communism, anyone?!)

Reading: With our other two children, the last feeding before bed was accompanied by total darkness and rustling the sheets under pain of death so as not to disturb their settling. For whatever reason, Annie is tolerant of even a bedside lamp being on as she falls back asleep, and so I’ve been able to sneak in a few pages of reading each night (a HUGE gift to this mama, as my nightly bedtime reading routine is one of the hardest things to give up in seasons with a tiny baby). The first book I read after she was born was The Self-Driven Child, and aside from LOVING it, it was perfect for the moment: engrossing, but not so interesting that I was tempted to stay up for hours :)

What will you remember from summer 2021? I’d love to hear!

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September 2021 goals

1 September 2021

August was a great month, but not a great month for blogging or goals :) And that’s okay! I soaked up time with our big girl before she headed to kindergarten, adjusted to John going back to work, and began to feel out new rhythms now that it’s just Annie and me during the day.

This month was wildly fun and tender and sweet and emotional (kindergarten!!), and all of it seemed to require staying present on the ground under my feet in a way that the ever-connected world can make difficult. And so, for example, it turns out I didn’t log into my public Instagram account for about three weeks. Not on purpose! Three days stretched to a few more days to a few weeks as the idea of checking in even with my small and curated group of follows felt overwhelming. Dipping into the world of interpretations-of-current-events and experiences-that-are-not-my-own felt overwhelming. And, to be honest, simply not as desirable as what was right in front of me: a beautiful tiny girl, a funny little boy, and a sweet big girl (and a marvelous big guy!). That world jolts me out of my world, a world that is requiring most of my heart and focus right now.

(It also should be said that while on maternity leave, I’ve simply lost my usual window to check in: full-time newborn care leaves only pockets of time to do as I please during the day, and Instagram proved not to be my activity of choice!)

Just some thoughts I’m untangling at the start of the month :) While part of me is frustrated that I made less progress than I’d like on some things that are really important to me (ahem… June in June), I can have grace for myself knowing that I gave time to the things that are really, REALLY important to me. Our schedule will settle, videos will get filmed and edited, but, alas, babies don’t keep.

On to September!

On my calendar this month:
— The first day of fall! We’ll bake apple cider scones for our family and June’s teachers, a tradition we started five (!) years ago.
— Our ninth wedding anniversary!
— Our thrice-scheduled trip to Florida with John’s family!

What I’m loving right now:
— A friend has a random connection to get free Bogg Bags through work (!), and kindly gifted me one. I love that they stand up on their own, and think it will be perfect for the pool, beach, and road trips.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there is nothing like Madewell high-rise jeans for a post-partum gal. It feels like there are a million new styles of denim circulating right now, and most of them seem hard to pull off, but I dipped a toe into the water with these demi-boot jeans and LOVE them! My pair is on sale with only a few sizes left, but they have other washes in this style, too.
— A follow-up to John’s wardrobe post: now that he is back in the office a few days a week and wearing suits, he is loving these shoes and these shoes, which have the look of dress shoes but the comfort of sneakers! He highly recommends.

You can see all the things I’ve loved in my goal posts over the years right here!

What I read in August:
The Vanishing Half | I thought this book was very good. The plot itself was fascinating, and some of the sentences were just stop-you-in-your-tracks beautiful.
The Family Firm | Emily Oster’s book Expecting Better is my number one pregnancy recommendation, so I hustled to pre-order The Family Firm, and am about 75% through. It is very different from Expecting Better – it is less about data, and more about providing a framework for decision making as a parent. If you feel like you equivocate or have anxiety over making decisions for your kids or household, I think you’ll love this book! P.S. Preordering her book is a good example of my thoughts on being a patronI love Emily’s newsletter and have relied on her advice for many years, and so preordering her book was a tangible way I could support her work and something I was so happy to do!

My reading list for 2021, if you’d like to follow along! I’m a little out of order but have read 13 out of 24 so far.

Revisiting my August goals:
Edit June in June, Volume 6
Lay out 2012 in family album
Choose scripture theme for the school year and plan and enjoy our back-to-school dinner (Little recap post coming soon!)
Prep for our Florida vacation – first road trip as a family of five!!
Take a morning walk with Annie every day the weather allows
(This was such a success! A highlight of my month, even though it was hotter than hot most days. We walked together about 75% of days!)
Do a Peloton exercise every day (Also a success! I definitely did not do every day, and fell off a bit toward the end for a number of reasons, but this was a great intention to get back in the rhythm of exercise.)

September goals:
— Edit June in June, Volume 6
— Film Sheptember, Volume 3
— Lay out 2012 in family album
— Write 6-10 blog posts
— Finish our master bedroom refresh
— Do a Peloton exercise every day
— Write a thank you note every day until I’m finished with my backlog. (Eek! Still have some baby gift notes to write…)

As a reminder, many of these are drawn from my 2021 goals!

Friends, this month marks my 13th blogging anniversary! WOW and WHOA! I’m planning a few posts this month on blogging and writing – one will be an FAQ, and I’d love to answer any questions you might have! Please drop them in the comments, if you’d like. (I’ll put up an Instagram question box, too!)

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Fall outfit inspiration

16 August 2021

Friends, I am aware that the majority of my posts for the past few months have been kid-focused. This is natural – with all of the transitions in our family, there have been so many time-sensitive things I’ve wanted to share and discuss with you all! Even if we’re not in the same life stage and some posts aren’t immediately relevant to you, I hope you’ve found something to entertain you, to adapt to where you find yourself, or maybe to just tuck away for the future or for a friend. I know I love to learn from people ahead of me – that way, when I get there, I’ve already got some good ideas tucked away!

Today, however, we’re talking about something anyone can enjoy – fall fashion! After a year of just getting by in the fashion department – wearing what felt like the same four ill-fitting outfits on repeat – I’m eager for some variety and fun. Even in between pregnancies, I’m guilty of switching out my top and wearing the same jeans, shoes, jewelry, and hairstyle five days a week. There’s nothing wrong with this – I pride myself on being able to get from bed to front door in 15 minutes and simple outfits are a key ingredient – but at the moment, I’m feeling inspired to put a little more thought into what I wear each day.

That being said, I am far from a fashion blogger, and not the most naturally creative when it comes to putting together outfits – so I lean on the people who are. To me, that means my dear friend Lisa, as well as my online-friend-who-doesn’t-yet-know-we’re-friends Merrick. Here are a few favorites I collected this week for my virtual cheat sheet:

And here are a few of the elements I’m taking away as I go about trying to recreate these looks myself:

1. All the tucks. Half tucks, full tucks, fancy little waist knots. Maybe it’s just the style of the moment, or maybe I’m drawn to the look because it’s been awhile since I’ve had a waist, but so many of my favorite outfits involve a tuck.

2. Lots of different bottoms. This is the most obvious and probably the easiest thing for me to incorporate. Though my Madewell jeans are beloved, I have many other fun options that sit forlornly in my drawers. Leopard pants, white jeans, black leggings, midi skirts? All present and accounted for – I just need to pull them out.

3. Fun layers. Adding a jean jacket, a cardigan, or a sweater takes the interest up a notch and makes even basic elements feel considered.

4. The extras. To not feel like I’m wearing the same thing every day, it would help to switch up my shoes, jewelry, and/or hair style. For example, Lisa is sporting eight different hair styles in just the photos above, and probably an equal number of pairs of shoes. This isn’t really about buying anything new (I have plenty of shoes!), it’s much more about taking the time to choose a pair each day from the cubbies in my closet instead of slipping into the ones from yesterday that are already on the closet floor.

I’m sure to some of you these takeaways seem beyond basic, and they are! No one is coming here for the fashion advice of try wearing the pants in your closet, ha. But, if you, too, find yourself in a fashion rut you want to climb out of, consider this your friendly internet friend giving you a boost.

The real question: should I take Lisa’s inspiration one step further and photograph some of the favorite outfit combos I find in my closet?! Maybe she should come over for a styling session? Feel free to leave your opinion on that, or tell me what you’re looking forward to wearing this fall, below.

P.S. This is probably where I should insert a big collage of my fall clothing favorites from all my favorite retailers, but clearly, I’m not your girl for that. However, you can find links to all of Lisa’s posts, which include sources, right here. And the sources for Merrick’s outfits are here: red skirt, gingham skirt, red top, and gingham dress.

P.P.S. That being said, I did just buy this gauzy white top and I love it. I think it will be excellent to do all the tucks with :)

Shep’s favorites at three years

6 August 2021

With our first kiddo, I consistently shared products we were loving throughout her first few years. Since we relied on so many of the same favorites for Shep, it hadn’t felt necessary to share the same – until now! Our newly-minted three-year-old is growing into his own interests and preferences, and so in honor of his recent birthday, I thought it would be fun to share a few things he (and we) are loving right now!

Clothing favorites for three-year-old boys:

Mini Boden tees | Y’all know most of our kiddo clothes come from consignment sales or hand-me-downs, which is why I give myself permission to splurge on a few fun pieces each season! Shep looooves the fun designs from Mini Boden, which usually involve dogs doing things like driving construction trucks or blasting into space. We just got him this shirt and this one for his birthday :)

Cat & Jack shorts | I prefer a shorter length for little boy shorts, and these ones are perfect! At $5-8 (!!!), they’re not too precious, either. I find they run a little big!

Shady Rays sunglasses | At $32, you surely could find a pair for less – but these ones are great quality (they have the right amount of flex and actually stay on the ears!), AND they include lifetime replacement if lost or broken! Shep has the royal blue polarized.

Needlepoint baseball hat | Harding Lane has the absolute CUTEST designs – everything from dogs to dump trucks, planets to puppies, and fire trucks to alligators. I bought Shep’s triceratops design last Black Friday for 50% off, and he gets compliments everywhere he goes!

Natives | I’m sure I don’t need to tell you about Jeffersons, but they are our go-to three seasons of the year! Shep most often wears the Regatta color.

Toy and gear favorites for three-year-old boys:

Balance bike and scooter | Shep switches back and forth between his Kazam balance bike (which he received at age 2.5 for Christmas) and his scooter (a second birthday gift). We love and highly recommend both of them! He happily wears this helmet with both.

Playmobil recycling truck | This was his gift from Annie, and it has been a MASSIVE hit. Despite some of the pieces being a little fiddly for three-year-old fingers (the listing recommends it for age 4+), he loves it and plays with it constantly.

Fire chief costume set | It took him a little time to warm up to this dress-up kit, but once he did, it’s made daily appearances around the house. If only the fire extinguisher actually squirted water!

Jellycat stuffies | All of our kids have Jellycat stuffies they love – they are the sweetest designs, and so soft! Shep’s most beloved are two identical dogs. One was supposed to be the back-up in case of loss, but he found it in the closet and has had two tucked under his arms at night ever since :) Jellycats come in a few sizes, and I find the “small” to be perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.

Books | All books, all the time! A few favorites: Please, Puppy, Please; Trucks Roll; Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site; The Circus Ship; and Cars and Trucks and Things That Go.

MagnaTiles | And especially the cars and trains expansions!

Okay-to-wake clock | We introduced this clock when he moved to his big boy bed a few weeks ago. Shep is our early riser, and we were hoping this would encourage him to stay in bed a little longer in the mornings. It absolutely has! He instantly cottoned to the cute design, calling it “his guy” and unplugging it from the wall and carrying it downstairs like a stuffed animal post-nap the first few days, ha!

Welly band-aids | Our kids, and especially Shep, LOVE these band-aids with their fun and colorful designs. They’re the cure for what ails you, whether that’s a scrape or a stomachache :)

Love our little three year old :) Hope his favorites give you something to tuck away for future birthdays or holidays!

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