More happy news to share
Friends, I am SO happy and grateful to share that another little baby will be joining our family in July!

In my post six (!) years ago about our decision to have children, I wrote this:
Having children is the greatest expression of hope humans can participate in. We believe the best is yet to come. We are not cynical people. Deciding to have children is tantamount to saying we believe the world they will grow up in will be bright and beautiful, and that’s a statement of faith we want to make.
I believe this is an even more radical position to hold today than it was six years ago, in no small part because we find ourselves (still!) in the grips of a global pandemic. But John and I feel this as strongly as we ever have. God is good. Life will find a way. And we are VERY grateful to be a part of bringing a new little embodiment of hope into a broken and beautiful world later this year.

Perhaps surprisingly, I’m finding I have much more I’d like to discuss with you about a third pregnancy/child than I did about a second, but here are a few preliminaries to get us up to speed!
How are you feeling? At 21 weeks, I feel great! I have felt MUCH more tired throughout this pregnancy than I have with either of my previous two (like, napping every day and for three hours on the weekends in the first trimester!), but I’ve had more energy in the last few weeks. I also had low-grade but manageable nausea in the first trimester (a little milder than previous pregnancies).
Wait, did you say 21 weeks?! Yep! 21 weeks today. My due date is July 15, which is actually John’s birthday! July is about to get even fuller and happier, as we also have Shep’s birthday at the end of the month and MANY extended family birthdays and anniversaries in July, too!
I did not plan to announce this pregnancy so late in the game, but a few factors combined to make it so. (Looking at you, rainiest winter on record, NC, and general ever-present exhaustion.) Now that we’ve cleared this hurdle, I can’t wait to share more!
Were you planning on having another baby? Yes! It was not always a foregone conclusion, however – more about that in a future post :) I will say that a third child does not seem to be a forgone conclusion for others, either, in the way that, say, a second child often is, so it has been fun to receive the more surprised and delighted reactions of friends and family this time around as opposed to the “yay! but yeah, we figured this was coming” that we got last time :) We do believe our family will be complete with the addition of this little one.
Are you going to find out whether it’s a boy or girl? We actually already have, at the 20-week anatomy scan! (EEK!) As before, I needed these next few months to wrap my head around and prepare my heart for what’s coming. We have shared with our families and will be sharing here, too, shortly!
Do June and Shep know? They do! We wrapped up “big sister” and “big brother” shirts for them to open on Christmas Eve. It’s been totally different and wonderful to have a very aware five-year-old as part of the experience this time around! She loves to find out what size fruit the baby is each week, and we’ve been having lots of conversations about baby sister or brother (she is rooting for sister). She will be the best helper this summer!
Shep, age 2.5, does not seem to have much conception of what’s happening, but when we were sitting on the floor the other day, he did pat my stomach and say, “what’s this big belly doing?” HA!
Did you and Nancy have a pregnancy pact? No, but we are delighted to be due two weeks apart!! We had a very funny get-together a few weeks ago where one of us said, “I have something to tell you,” and the other one said, “I have something to tell YOU!” Needless to say, we will be camping in the spring this year! :)

Friends, you have been so kind to me and my family over the MANY years we have been together here, and it really is a joy to share these milestones with you. This third journey hasn’t yet felt complete without you as a part! I can’t wait to share more of the story as it unfolds.
Many thanks to photographer June for capturing the bottom two photos! :)
Congrats, EM! So excited for you and your family! :)
Thank you, Abigail!! So glad you’re here! :)
This is SO exciting!!! I’m so thrilled for y’all and happy for another little baby to get to grow up with such loving and godly parents!
I follow along here consistently without posting comments, but I just couldn’t contain my excitement on this!! Thank you for sharing all that you share with us! Your wisdom on the day to day things as well as huge, life-changing milestones is always so helpful and encouraging!! Praying blessings over this new season for y’all!
Welcome to the comment section, Lindsay! :) Thank you for your very sweet thoughts!!
WOOHOO!!! Just so overjoyed for you & your family! We love you guys!!!
We love you, friend!! Thank you!
Congratulations!! How exciting for your entire family. I was about June’s age when my little sister was born and proudly showed off the ultrasound at my kindergarten show & tell :)
Oh my goodness, how sweet!! She is definitely more excited than last time!
Congratulations! Such an exciting time!
Thank you, friend!!
YAY!!! June and Shep’s little happy faces, I CANNOT handle how precious they are! So thrilled for you all and can’t wait to follow along!
They are both looking mighty cute in this photo, I will admit – HA!
Congratulations!!! So happy for you and your family.
It’s so interesting to hear people say that having two children seems like a foregone conclusion; my husband and I are both only children (and are therefore intimately aware of the many positives/negatives of that situation) and while we are certain that we want one child, we are much more unsure about a second.
That makes lots of sense, Megan! I think we were more vocal about the fact that we planned to have a second as opposed to a third, so that probably contributed to the reactions!
Oh Em. What beautiful news!! Congratulations xx
Thank you, sweet lady!!
Congratulations, Emily and family! We share the same due date and I have to say that your blog and all posts pregnancy and baby have been a lifeline navigating the excitement and anxiety of having our first. Thank you!!! Best wishes for a healthy happy pregnancy and baby!
Ahh, how EXCITING, friend!! Same back to you! :)
Congratulations, Thomas family!! <3 Thinking all of the good thoughts for a joyful and healthy new season!
Ah congratulations!!! I’m due about a month after you with our second- excited (as always!) to follow you along your journey!
Congratulations! I’m also expecting our third this summer and my older two (6 and 3) are SO excited, which makes it about 1000 times more exciting :)
Congratulations to you and your family, Emily! What wonderful news!
Congratulations!! And so fun, I’m due with my first 10 days before you!
Despite that you and I both loved the book “All Joy and No Fun,” you always make motherhood look so fun! :) So excited for your family!
Awesome news! Congrats!
Eek! Such happy news, and I LOVE the baby bump photos by June. Hi, newest little Thomas–we see you! :)
Ah congratulations! I thought this might be coming soon and am so excited! I’m pregnant with my first (due very end of June) and have already combed through all your pregnancy posts multiple times! Even though we don’t know each other in real life, I’m excited to read along with your pregnancy while going through my own. Again, congratulations Thomas family!
Oh my! Congratulations!! I had a feeling that this might be coming (I admit I zoomed in on your March goal photo and wondered what „news“ it might be!) I hope this does not make me seem like a creepy stalker, ha! So happy for you and your family! I was five when my youngest brother was born and I was so so proud! It will be the sweetest :-)
Thanks for letting us follow along!
Congratulations! This is so exciting!
Congrats!!! Thank you for taking us on this journey, all the best to your fmaily!
We are actually also pregnant with #3, due a few weeks later than you. AND…we haven’t told my husband’s family yet (shh!!). Due to COVID we haven’t seen them since July and are going to visit them in 2 weeks and surprising them with a half baked bun!
Congratulations to you and your sweet family! So very happy for you all :)
Aw congratulations! I assumed that was the news that you hinted at. My sister is due with her first baby the week after you. I only have one child and he gives me so much hope. We wanted more but unfortunately it isn’t possible for us anymore.
Congratulations, Emily!!! This made me so happy for you and your family!❤️
Congratulations! June and Shep are the cutest, baby #3 has a high bar to clear :) I just had my second and the internal conflict of whether to try for a third is stronger than ever- can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this! My husband’s aunt (who had three kids) said to me once- “two isn’t enough but three is too much” and though that’s a negative frame, it rings so true to me.
Ahhh CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting!! You look gorgeous. I can’t wait to hear more about how the first few months have been for you. We are due with #2 in early August!! Sending you love and naps!
June captured this announcement perfectly! So overjoyed for y’all and cannot wait to read all your thoughts on this pregnancy and sweet baby!! Love you!!