June’s favorite playlist

27 January 2017

It might just become your new favorite, too.

Elvis Presley

I’m not sure what made me think of Elvis one day, because I can’t say I’ve historically been a connoisseur of his music. But I did… and it was an instant hit with Miss June. To be fair, she gets very excited whenever we put on music, but she does seem to love Elvis even more than our Disney playlist, the Beach Boys, big band favorites, Cozy Fall, our cooking playlist, and Christian Folk, which comprise the other standard options at our house.

Click here to listen, if you like – I chose some of his most upbeat options for this highly-curated collection. And I challenge you to not have your own kitchen dance party when you do! :)

Happy weekend, friends!

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January 27, 2017 8:36 am

You know you’re in the wedding industry when you read this post and ALL you can think about is a future “Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” father-daughter dance!!

Will have to try this playlist! Charlie’s favorite songs are “Up on the Housetop,” “All My Exes Live in Texas,” and the version of Stanky Leg I “sing” to him, subbing in “Chunky Leg”…though I probably shouldn’t admit that one :)

January 27, 2017 10:05 am

LOVE IT. You KNOW we are major Elvis fans! LS’s favorite ornament this past Christmas was an Elvis guitar that played “hound dog at the push of a button”!! Annnd Elvis may or may not be a future Halloween idea here? Great playlist!

January 27, 2017 11:51 am
Reply to  Megan

Definitely thought of y’all as I was writing this post! :)

January 27, 2017 12:12 pm

My mother was not a fan of Elvis AT ALL but my mother-in-law, now that is a totally different story. She LOVED Elvis. They even had a cat named Elvis.

January 27, 2017 12:32 pm

I just stumbled on your blog and love it! Also loving these playlists you share, what a great idea. Happy Friday :)