June 2017 goals

1 June 2017

One reason I love to write these monthly goal posts is because they are the best to look back on! (Much like blogging in general, actually!) I love marking where I was at a certain point in time, and being able to see how much has – or has not – changed. With a few years of monthly goals under my belt, I can now even look back to see how a particular month has changed over time. So neat!

I feel good right now. I feel good about June. It’s my last extra-busy month at work before a string of really fun personal travel in July, August, and September, so it feels a bit like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I’m ready to dig in and get some things done! (Like our loft – ahem.)

Milly and June

What I read in May:
The Little Way of Ruthie Leming (His writing was not my favorite, but I found the story very engaging.)
Grace, Not Perfection (I breezed through this in a day and a half after hearing so many good things. I don’t think it’s the message I need most right now (I probably err on the side of giving myself too much grace, haha!), but if you love Emily, you will love this book!)
— Books I’m reading throughout the year: The Power of a Praying Wife and The Lifegiving Home

Revisiting my goals for May:
Add to my gratitude list every day this month (I batted about 50% on this, and it made a difference!)
Go camping with the Rays (postponed to June!)
Take the first step in a birthday project I am working on for John
Try a new workout video at least three times (didn’t get to this, but see below!)
Purposefully plan for Memorial Day, since we’ll be staying local (it was very low-key, but fun!)
Try Bill Hybels’ prayer journaling practice from Too Busy Not to Pray
Finish a complete organization sweep and purge of our loft (not finished, but progress was made)
Print our summer fun list and post it on the fridge
Buy new patio furniture for our backyard
String up lights in our backyard

June goals:
— Try Heather’s 15-minute Mom + Baby workout at least four times (thanks to Victoria for the recommendation!)
— Go camping with the Rays!
— Finish a complete organization sweep and purge of our loft
— Film June in June, Volume Two
— Clear out my backlog of gifts and cards to send (Between graduations, weddings, and showers, May had me underwater!)

Keeping it simple this month so that we can focus on our summer fun list! As a reminder, here are my 2017 guideposts. If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments!

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June 1, 2017 8:25 am

Happy June!! I too love having a chronicle of goals and life updates to look back upon and to see how much life has evolved over the years! I accidentally (?) took a year off from blogging my monthly goals, but I’m determined to get back into regularly sharing (this month’s here: https://stephseekingjoy.wordpress.com/2017/06/01/june-2017-goals/). I’m excited for a busy month of travels, weddings, and summer fun!!

Victoria B
June 1, 2017 9:15 am

I love reading your goal posts every month so I’m happy to read that you enjoy them. I mentioned to you on Instagram (@picatoria) that I didn’t do May goals due to my now 6 week old. I did make some goals for June but there are not a lot to give myself grace. My goals are find a new house, do The Balanced Life Sisterhood calendar, find local Mommy and Me class, go through my clothes, go on our first post baby date night, and take baby to my husband’s office.

June 1, 2017 11:59 am

I almost didn’t post my goals today, but then read what you said about them being so wonderful to look back on and note the changes/progress we make and was re-inspired to do mine! :) http://www.thevandykes.com/blog/june2017goals/

Love that you kept your goals simple in order to focus on summer fun! And I’m jealous of your upcoming camping trip!
p.s. I’m anxiously at the edge of my seat waiting for your new patio reveal! ;)

June 1, 2017 10:54 pm

June in June was one of my favorite posts from last year, so I hope you’ll share volume 2! :)

I also just picked up The Little Way of Ruthie Lemming, after putting it off for fear it would be too sad.

June 5, 2017 9:27 am

June in June, Volume Two – CANNOT WAIT!