Happy Fourth!
Happy Fourth, friends! Of all the things I find marvelous in life, this great country of ours has to be near the very top. I am so grateful to have been born in America; for the incredible history of this country and the people who’ve shaped it into what it is today; and for all the freedoms I enjoy as a U.S. citizen. One of the very first purchases John and I made for our house was an American flag; we’ve flown it proudly every day since.
Today John and I are enjoying hot dogs, lemonade, waterskiing, fireworks, lots of family time, and s’mores — I hope y’all have the day free to enjoy your own version of bliss! :)
Love the opening sentence of this post. :) Also love the fact that we have friends, like you and John, who appreciate our great country and its history as much as we do!
That’s an excellent list of 4th-related things to enjoy!