Front porch inspiration

12 May 2014

I’m not sure how typical this is, but when John and I moved into our house (about a year ago), we made very few immediate changes or improvements. We wanted to live with the space for a bit, and we also wanted to let our budget adjust to a mortgage vs. rent! Until last month, when we added handsome black rockers thanks to my in-laws, our front porch looked pretty much the same as the day we moved in:




It’s a pretty good place to start, so I can’t complain! (Aside from the heavy dusting of pollen – thank you, North Carolina.) We love the haint blue ceiling, the columns, and the generous proportions. We don’t love the lack of privacy or the color of the front door. We would love for this to be a more comfortable space to hang out (it is one of my 60 Before 30 goals!), so we’re hoping to make a few improvements over the next few months. My inspiration:


A few of the things on our to do list:
— Paint the front door
— Add a planter with fern beside the door
— Hang string lights
— Add a side table between the rockers
— Build a trellis and plant something climbing for more privacy
— Hang a swing (!!!)

As you can probably tell, the swing is most exciting to me. John, however, is worried that hanging a swing will compromise the integrity of our porch roof (…?), so I have a little more convincing to do before I get the green light.

Most intimidating to me on this list is painting the front door – it just seems like such a big change! If it were you, would you go with poppy red, haint blue, or glossy black?

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May 12, 2014 10:34 am

We also wanted to live in our home a little while before we made any immediate changes, so you aren’t the only one. Painting our front door is also on my list of home improvement to-do’s. I think the poppy red would go great with that white trim and add some brightness to your entry! I hope you can talk John into a getting a swing, your front porch looks like it was made for one!

May 12, 2014 10:57 am

I really love how you didn’t wait to post this unit your porch was complete! That alone makes me want to rethink our back patio!

I vote for Poppy Red first, with Haint Blue as a close 2nd for the front door! I think red would look beautiful and patriotic and New-Englandy, which represents your roots. Also, we share hearts of patriotism, and I think that a red door would be well suited in the Thomas household. (Not to mention it would tie in perfectly with that pretty American Flag!)

May 12, 2014 11:22 am

We’ve also bookmarked Ali Harper’s exterior colors as a possible option for when we decide to make a change – I love her style! I wish I could offer some advice about the integrity of your porch roof with the swing… that seems wise to consider, but I always did love our family’s swing. I’m looking forward to seeing what you and John decide to do!

May 12, 2014 1:15 pm

Wise decision on waiting to live in your home before making any drastic changes to the porch. :) Wish I was that patient! I too vote for Poppy Red – it looks like it would go great with the house color. Our next door neighbor did something similar with the trellis on the sides of their porch and had Jasmine and climbing roses growing up the sides. It smelled heavenly! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

May 12, 2014 11:36 pm

We have a dusty blue house as well and just painted the front door a glossy black (it wa red) and we love it! I wanted wythe blue but the man of the house vetoed it!!

Mattye W
May 13, 2014 2:26 pm

My vote for the door is the haint blue. It’s soft and beautiful and reminds me of you and EFM! That being said, Nancy makes quite a convincing argument for red that might swing my vote. Speaking of swing (!!!), it sounds like John is bringing the practical and wise advice husbands are so good for, and he is probably right. So, if I were in the same position I think I’d sweetly say, “but isn’t the beauty of a swing and all the good times we’d have talking and swinging be WORTH compromising the integrity of the porch roof?!” Can’t wait to see the progress you make!

May 13, 2014 10:19 pm

From the door color swatches, the American flag, the porch lights, and that beautiful rocking chair, I like everything about this! I would be pouring a glass of sweet tea and making my porch a little daily haven if it had those lovely features :)

May 14, 2014 7:45 pm

I vote for the blue…

June 10, 2014 3:25 pm

I vote for poppy red with haint blue a close second (a la Nancy Ray :)

July 16, 2014 4:29 pm

Love your front porch! My husband and I just bought our first house a year ago also, It takes time to get and buy everything you want! However my front porch is my favorite spot… living in the south is the best!