February 2025 goals

7 February 2025

Two monthly goals posts in a row – not usually what you can expect around here! Between all the beginning-of-year EFM fun and a post I meant to share last week in honor of our twentieth (!!) dativersary that ended up needing a bit more polish, here we are. (You’ll get the relationship post next week.) Until then, here is what’s on tap for the tiny-but-mighty month of February.

On my calendar:
— The third annual Articles Club weekend away, a.k.a. Camp Clurb! I missed last year’s trip unexpectedly to be at my grandmother’s memorial service and so am especially happy to get to hang with the best gals around at the end of the month.
— Another book swap! Could there be a more perfect bright spot in the doldrums of winter? I’m hosting with a dear friend again and we’ve chosen a “book lovers” theme due to our proximity to Valentine’s Day (with teatime food since we’re partying in the afternoon).
— My birthday! It’s on a Friday this year, one of my days off each week. Last year it also fell on a day off, and I think I’m now spoiled forever: it was a true delight to spend the hours the kids were at school in a way that was simple, but designed to be uniquely pleasing to me. Promising myself I’ll make an equally good plan this year.

What I’m loving right now:
— Y’all know I’m on a Defined Dish kick. Her chicken piccata meatballs are my newest favorite – so good! I usually serve them with fettucine and sautéed green beans.
— We just bought Annie one of these okay-to-wake clocks in prep for moving her from her crib to her bed. It’s the third one in our family — the older two are quite fond of theirs.
— Speaking of Annie, this is her absolute favorite picture book right now. (It’s been a favorite of all of our kids at one time or another.) We’ve read it nightly for the past few weeks, picking out one kid to follow each time. Her favorites are the girls from India and Japan :)

As a reminder, you can find allll the things I’ve loved over the last few years neatly organized right here!

What you’re loving right now:

This is where I highlight a few items here that have been popular in the last month with fellow readers, based on my analytics. Here’s hoping this will help you find something you’ll love!

— My Christmas card photo album. I actually just ordered a few more and am going to add a set of cards to one for each of my children!
— The manners flip book we often use to supplement Team Thomas Tuesdays.
— Our foyer shoe cabinet! It really is the prettiest shade of green.
— My favorite simple v-neck white tee (closely tied with my beloved summer linen shift dress from the same brand)
— This medium hair clip I slipped into my own stocking :) I like the look, but am still figuring out the best way to get all my hair caught up.

Last month on The Connected Family:
My tech-related goals for 2025 | 6 things I’m working toward this year
Nancy didn’t share about her new baby until she was born. Here’s why. | An interview about pregnancy, pivoting, and transparency with a dear friend
The 2025 TCF Annual Screen Report | It’s been a year!
The email I sent to fellow third grade parents | Building low-screen community, one scary-but-exciting email at a time
50+ screen-free winter activities for kids | When it’s dark and cold, consult the winter boredom list

What I read in January:
Best Family Ever | This is a middle grade book June pressed into my hand after finishing it herself. I’m delighted she loved it and appreciated the the closet-knit family at the center. As an adult I found it a bit too saccharine :)
The Evening and the Morning | In addition to my official personal book club picks, I also committed to re-reading a portion of the Kingsbridge series this year, starting with this one (the prequel), which I last read in 2022. It held up – I may even have enjoyed it more this time around.
Well Lived | This is Sally Clarkson’s newest book. While I enjoyed it, it is quite different from my favorite of her books, The Lifegiving Home. With full-color pictures, pull quotes, and scripture on most pages, it reads more like a devotional than a how-to book. Still, I finished it feeling very endeared to her.

My reading list for 2025! I’m 1 / 24 so far.

Revisiting my January goals:
Inquire with a designer friend for our bathroom project (Inquired and she is not available to help. I’ve emailed a second gal and am waiting to hear back!)
Print 2024 Instagram photos
Set up our 2025 budget
Make a loose plan for this year’s read alouds (V. v. excited for all of them)
Confirm a reunion date (Also v. excited for this.)
Make a scripture ring for our table with the verses we’ve memorized so far (Bought this one and am now writing out the verses we’ve memorized so far.)
Prep for the book swap (Door hangers are in my possession!)
Print photos for our Christmas album
Send an email to friends in my county encouraging them to email their school board reps about the potential phone ban (Did not get to this – moving to February!)

I also planned to run every weekend (check!!), practice the piano several times a week (I averaged twice a week), clean out my phone screenshots daily (check!), and keep up with our Hebrews reading plan (off the rails).

February goals:
— Finalize the itinerary for our reunion and run it by a friend to get feedback
— Record June’s birthday interview
— Choose a PCP and call about making an appointment
— Sit down with John and spend 1-2 hours going over what I have so far for the TCF audio course and getting his feedback
— Choose and begin a new Bible reading plan
— Make classroom valentines with the kids
— Put our scripture ring into action at the table
— Prep to speak at a school on behalf of TCF – my first time!
— Send that phone ban friend email (If any of you are also in Wake County and want in on it, just raise your hand in the comments! I can nab your email from the backend, you don’t have to post it publicly :))

As a reminder, many of these are drawn from my 2025 PowerSheets goals!

Let’s talk birthdays! I’d love to hear: if you had about six hours during the day on a weekday and you had no work or childcare responsibilities, how would you spend it? What would you do? Would friends be invited along? I can’t wait to hear!

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February 7, 2025 6:36 am

I love this question. I would instinctively choose to spend it alone (although I am an extrovert in this life stage of small children and a high pressure job, alone time is such a luxury). I would make sure to include my three favourite things: wild cold-water swimming, going to a gallery and reading in a café with great food (I am spoiled by having easy access to all these things in London). Hope you have a wonderful day :)

February 7, 2025 7:29 am

Oh, I adore the birthday question! I’d probably treat myself to an in-studio exercise class (Pure Barre? Club Pilates? I usually Peloton at home, so going in-studio – and paying the single class fee – would be a big treat!); go out to lunch; and end the afternoon with a massage! I’d invite my best friend along, but if she couldn’t come, I’d be equally happy going solo. I would love to hear what you end up doing! Happy birthday! : )

February 7, 2025 8:36 am

The birthday question is a delight to think about. I’d start with either a swim or a barre class, followed by fancy coffee (probably a free Starbucks), then lunch and a pedicure with friends! Probably some window shopping in there too :) I hope you have the best day!

February 7, 2025 11:09 am

What a fun question! Honestly I might luxuriate in a quiet home for longer than I’d like to admit and then hopefully a massage followed by picking up my favorite lunch! I might involve my mom and go out to lunch instead :)

Kelly Strawberry
February 7, 2025 12:02 pm

I’d probably catch up on things around the house and maybe treat myself to a pedicure! I hate spending money on mani/pedis because I’m cheap but once a year splurge feels special and give me time to read a magazine and feel pampered!
Not sure what the email re phone bans means but please include me! I’m all for schools banning phones in Wake Co and want to help in any way!

February 7, 2025 3:24 pm

Easy question. haha I’ve been taking the day off work on my birthday for the past 15 years, ever since I went into work on my birthday at my first job and someone exclaimed “What are you doing here?! It’s your birthday!”
My day off/birthday is next week, Valentine’s Day (really). This year after dropping my daughter off at daycare, I’m going with my husband (who is also taking the day off) to one of his favorite breakfast spots. And I’m a cinephile, so I’m thinking about seeing a movie.
In the past, my day off/birthdays have included: a massage, a facial, lunch at one of my favorite local cafes, a hike, breakfast with my husband, a long nap. Usually all of these activities are solo, unless my husband takes the day off as well. On the years when my I take my birthday off + a few extra days, we travel to New York or Mexico (which is a pretty sweet way to celebrate a winter birthday if you ask me lol).

February 7, 2025 3:50 pm

Hi! I think about this scenario a lot! I work a stressful ICU job as an NP that is a mix of days, nights, and sometimes 24’s. Over the years I’ve learned that I prefer slow and steady pockets of relaxation over feeling like I have to do everything I enjoy on my days off. For example, I enjoy facials because they get me back on track with my skin care habits. I reap the benefits of that treat in the weeks (hopefully months!) as it encourages me to take care of myself. I definitely love a good nap, playing my NY times word games with coffee on the couch, and either prepping to have leftovers or not having to make dinner even just one night is such a load off my shoulders. I also enjoy grabbing lunch and bringing it home to watch a movie/show. I guess I typically enjoy my alone time when I can have it :)

February 18, 2025 3:11 pm
Reply to  Holly

Holly, thank you for ALL you do as an NP! I hope some wonderful relaxation is in your near future.

February 7, 2025 4:36 pm

I love birthdays!!!
If I had a little budget to play with I would absolutely go get a facial and enjoy an hour or two in the spa reading my book & sipping tea.

Otherwise I would go on a long walk and grab my money for a coffee date and some local boutique shopping!

February 7, 2025 10:18 pm

What a fun question! Ever since moving to Savannah, I have tried to go to the beach for my birthday. October is my favorite month to go to the beach, so it’s a double win! If that wasn’t an option, I’d have friends over for brunch, or meet a couple of friends for lunch or coffee. Or go for a photo walk somewhere pretty :)

February 8, 2025 9:36 am

My birthday is on Juneteenth, so for the past few years, both Omar and I have had off while daycare is still open. I’ve opted for a slow start morning (ours aren’t rushed typically, but Omar offers to take Penelope to school that day and get her ready so I can linger in PJs a bit longer), followed by a walk and typically some kind of exercise I enjoy (a fun peloton class or something!). I also typically read for a bit (a mid day reading session doesn’t always happen for me!) and then browse some stores I’ve wanted to go to. And then I go to a late lunch before pick up :)

Also you know I want a copy of that email, if I wasn’t already on the list! :)

February 9, 2025 4:12 pm

I love weekday birthdays because I always take the day off! I love a mix of alone and social time! I like to start the day with a really clean house (thanks to my yesterday self), and a good bit of movement, whether it’s a workout class or a long hike, along with a decadent coffee out. Then get ready and wear something ideally new that I bought a while ago and saved for the day… and then lunch either by myself with a book or with a friend. In the afternoon I love to either get a pedicure (esp if the weather is bad) or sit outside and read a book I’ve been saving for that day while I wait for the kids to come home (I save a lot of things for my birthday lol). Then we celebrate with the kids in the afternoon and the evening will either be a fun in, a fun dinner out at a Mexican restaurant or sometimes we get a babysitter and Jeff and I will meet up with friends. Kind of depends on the year. But those are the elements that make a great day!

Would love a copy of that email and that loose list of read aloud!!

Kristen M
February 10, 2025 9:51 am

If I have a weekday off I would definitely try to get out for a hike, hit up my favorite coffee shop and sit outside enjoying a drink and a little treat and then probably knock something off my to do list because I so rarely have the time and space to do that! My birthday is in early April when the weather is just perfect in NC so I sometimes do try to take it off and treat myself! (at one of my previous jobs you automatically got your birthday off as a holiday! it was kind of nice that it was mandated that way :) )
Also please include me on your Wake County email :)

Sarah Hilterbrant
February 11, 2025 6:00 am

My dream birthday 6 hours would include:

A barre class
A walk through nature with my doggies and a favorite podcast
A very long everything shower/beauty regime (all the stuff I never have time for!)
Lunch with friends
Some diy floral arranging
A power nap :)

February 12, 2025 11:41 am

My birthday is in the summer, which I love because there are so few obligations, but it also means I never have the day alone. I would definitely play tennis and meet a friend for lunch.