Displaying Holiday Cards

2 December 2008

It’s now officially December, which means you could conceivably start receiving holiday cards any day now. How exciting! I found a few ideas for corralling the chaos when I went in search of ideas to spruce up my displays this year.

First up: simple ribbon bands can easily be expanded to accommodate a growing collection.

{Real Simple}

Over-sized bows make a splash on a blank wall or door.

{Martha Stewart Living}

A clothesline-style display holds folded cards nicely. Flat cards can be punched and strung or hung with mini clothespins. Use yarn, ribbon, or twine to suit your decor.

{Apartment Therapy}

Martha and Better Homes & Gardens both suggest a card tree, which is great for showcasing exceptionally beautiful cards (tuck the tacky ones in the back!).

{via Design Mom; instructions at Martha Stewart Living}

{Martha Stewart Living}

{Better Homes & Gardens}

Instead of the usual lights, punch a hole in card corners and string them as garland decoration.

{Martha Stewart Living}

And my personal favorite:

{via Black*Eiffel}

One important (if not a bit obvious) detail to remember: the reason these displays look so great is because the homeowners (or stylists!) were judicious in their selection of cards for display, so if you’re concerned about such things, be sure to choose similarly colored designs for your groupings.

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Newport Nuptials
December 2, 2008 9:55 pm

I love all these ideas! I’m never creative enough with showcasing cards, hopefully these will inspire me!