December 2019 goals
Hello, friends, and welcome to the final month of 2019! I’m writing by the light of our Christmas tree with the last slice of Thanksgiving chocolate pecan pie on my lap, and am feeling grateful, content, and excited for the remainder of the year. The magic of Christmas is alive and well over here — not only in the twinkle lights and matching jams, but in June’s curious questions about the tiny baby at the center of the festivities. What a gift to get to watch her little heart grow! Praying for more and more of the same all this month.

Our magical $27 flocked tree!
On my calendar this month (a lot to look forward to!):
— A Rotary pancake breakfast at our town’s fire house and then our twilight parade that evening — one of my favorite days in our small town!
— Dinner out with John for our 2019 review and celebration. We’re going to Crawford & Son!
— A week in California for Christmas
What I’m loving right now:
— Picked up the prettiest blue floral sheets (the white/blue floral) for our bed and am excited to try them out — people rave about them!! And, they’re almost 50% off today!
— Do you worry about spending enough “quality time” with your kids? This article reaffirmed my beliefs about what actually matters most to them.
— My PowerSheets Prep Work! Technically something I’m about to be loving (ha) as I dig in this week, but I’m looking forward to it so much! The best reset and chance to dream.
What I read in November:
— Nothing?! Or, at least, no books! The December issue of The Atlantic totally sucked me in and I read an article or two each night. Highly recommend this particular issue! It’s the one with “How to Stop a Civil War” on the cover.
Revisiting my November goals:
Write one thank you note per day (a campaign we’re doing along with our church family!) Make decisions about all gifts for all the people (90% done!) Do lots of Christmas shopping, taking advantage of Black Friday sales (see gift guides here, here, and here to help finish yours!)Share gift guides!Order Christmas cards and family Christmas newsletter (the earliest I’ve ever placed the order! Sneak peek here.)
Finish culling and sorting our 2018 and 2019 (thus far) iPhone photos (no progress here – prioritized video editing and prep for the holidays!)
…and if I do, reward myself with ordering my first five-year album on Black Friday!!Organize our coat closet (done! Really wish I had taken a before photo – we went from an approximately three-foot-high pile of stuff on the floor to everything organized neatly in one of these and these pretty bins!)FINALLY FINISH June in June and Sheptember (June in June is finished and I’m so happy with it!! Shep’s is moving to this month :))
December goals:
— Set our 2020 budget
— Edit Sheptember
— Finish culling and sorting 2018 and 2019 iPhone photos – I want to finish this 2019 goal strong!
— File and safely store our will
— Share posts on our camping trip and our MS bike ride before the year is over!
Keeping things simple so I can focus on my most important goal for December: loving people well in the name of the tiny baby who came to love all of us two thousand years ago, the one who taught us to love others!
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Bravo for your steady progress on organizing your photos! What size was your album, such that it was able to encompass five years? My family does an annual photo calendar, and you inspired me to use the already uploaded photos from those to make a five year album to gift to my parents. However, even with that selection of “highlights” the album was nearly 50 pages!
Hi Clara! I haven’t started on the albums yet, but I’ll be sure to update when I do! I’m okay with them being bigger since I’m doing every five years instead of every year :)
My husband and I just had our FIRST “Review & Celebration Dinner” over the weekend! We had an idea of how we were going to structure our conversation, but when I mentioned this during bible study, one of my friends sent me your blog! What a treat it has been going down the rabbit hole to catch up! Anyway, we tacked your questions on to our agenda and had to say THANK YOU for offering those in last year’s post! Wishing you an amazing dinner celebration!
What a sweet and fun comment!! I’m so glad you had a wonderful dinner – can’t wait for ours tomorrow! :)
What an awesome year of goals and progress, Em! Always a treat to follow along and read them each month! Wishing you a happy end to 2019 x
Thank you so much, friend!! Same to you!