23 March 2017
My friend was wearing these Lilly Pulitzer leggings the other day, and I about died. I didn’t even know Lilly Pulitzer MADE leggings! At $98, however, they’re a little out of my budget at the moment, so I went down a rabbit hole to find some other fun, floral, girly options. Here are my best picks at a range of price points!

First row:
Lilly Pulitzer ($98)
Old Navy ($20)
J. Crew ($52.50 on sale)
Nanette Lepore ($68)
Second row:
Fabletics ($45)
J. Crew ($52.50 on sale)
Champion ($28)
Fabletics ($55)
Any other great sources to share with the group? :)
10 February 2017
So y’all have been very kind in my survey, saying all sorts of nice things. A few of you even mentioned that you like my style and are hoping for more fashion and beauty-related posts. Well, you may reconsider after I let you in on this very embarrassing fact about myself: sometimes, when I’m alone in the car, I wear my sunglasses OVER my regular glasses. (OMGDIDIJUSTADMITTHAT.)
It’s true. A few years ago, after some cornea scarring, my eye doctor switched me to daily contacts, and they are VERY expensive. I usually only wear them on the weekends or for big events, which is totally fine – I like my glasses! But, without prescription sunglasses, I’m left to my own devices while driving.
When I saw that Warby Parker accepts HSA money for prescription sunglasses (through their sponsorship of someone’s newsletter, of all things), and I jumped on that like a hot potato! CLEARLY they’re needed, if only to prevent John dying from embarrassment over his wife’s fashion faux pas. (I’ve got a few more years before June realizes what’s up.)
I ordered five pairs for my home try-on. After ruling one out, I asked for feedback on Instagram yesterday (if you’re reading this post in the morning, the stories should still be available!) The two frontrunners are neck-and-neck, and they happen to be the two I like best, too: no. 2, Laurel, and no. 4, Raglan. Looking at these photos again, I think I know which one will be my final pick.

Any final opinions? I’m going to pop the box back in the mail today and place my order over the weekend!
UPDATE: Thank you so much for voting! I ordered the Raglan (no. 4) and am thrilled to have upgraded my eyewear! :)
30 March 2016
And now for something different :) If you read blogs, you’ve probably heard people talking about “natural” varieties of deodorant. And perhaps, like me, you’ve been curious. Though I do try to incorporate “natural” products into my toiletries where I can, I’m not obsessive about it, and as far as I can tell the jury is still out on whether the ingredients in conventional deodorant (namely, aluminum and parabens) are actually harmful. However, I generally think rubbing fewer metals on my body is a good thing, and besides, I have never in all my life found a deodorant I’ve been truly satisfied with, despite trying a plethora of Super Hardcore No Sweat Ever varieties over the years.
Inspired by this post from A Cup of Jo, I decided to try LaVanilla first. I expected a bit of an adjustment period (apparently, odor can get worse for a bit after you switch as your sweat glands detox/unplug), but after several weeks of no improvement and less than pleasant underarms, I ditched LaVanilla and went looking for another option.
The comments section of that same CoJ post seemed to coalesce positively around Schmidt’s, so I dove back in and ordered the lavender and sage jar. Almost immediately, I could tell a huge difference – this stuff actually works!!

Disclaimer: because it has no aluminum in it, it’s not technically an antiperspirant, and I do sweat when I wear it and it’s hot outside. But I also sweat when I wore the Super Hardcore No Sweat Ever varieties, so I don’t consider that a big negative. And, Schmidt’s does include “natural plant powders that absorb wetness,” which help keep you dry. In terms of deodorizing, though, this stuff is as good or better than any conventional deodorant I’ve ever tried.
The only annoying part is the application – you scoop out a small amount with a little spatula, warm it between your fingers, and then rub it in – which is kind of messy and takes a few seconds longer than you’re probably used to. I was excited when they came out with a stick version a few months ago and promptly ordered one, but haven’t found it to be as effective as the jar formula.
So there you have it! Enough about my underarms :) I would love to hear if you’ve ever been tempted to try natural deodorant, or if you currently use it! (And if so, what kind? Ever since I saw them on Shark Tank I’ve wanted to try PiperWai!)
28 August 2015
The weather has been just a tad bit cooler here the past few days, which has me thinking ahead to my fall wardrobe! Normally I wouldn’t switch things up too much, but I think I’ll need some different pieces due to a changing shape over the next few months. For right now, the plan is to supplement with drape-y, longer tops that can be worn over leggings (not something I currently have a lot of). I also bought a belly band and wore it for the first time today, so hopefully that will stay me for awhile with my current pants. Here are a few of the pieces that have caught my eye:

First row: heather gray hi-lo tee ($17), striped cardigan sweater ($25), and tab sleeve tunic ($42)
Second row: Monaco blouse ($69) and lace-trim top ($31)
Third row: striped sweater dress ($54), Poet blouse ($25), and high/low cardigan ($54)
Any recommendations along this line, friends? I’m all ears!