1 April 2013
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, friends! I made this chocolate peanut butter cheesecake for yesterday’s dessert, and it was delicious!

I did okay on my March goals – finished about half (eggs, eBates, the Gospel of John). I did read a book, but it wasn’t a biography, and I didn’t get around to taking our apartment photos (though I’m not quite as concerned about that one, because I thought we might be moving out this month!).
This month, I will:
— Sell our rowing machine (it’s just taking up space!)
— Pick strawberries
— Plant our balcony herb garden
— Send cards to all my peeps on time (lots of birthdays this month)
— Prep for our honeymoon – make final reservations and a packing list, paint my toenails!
You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. If you’d like to share your goals for April, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!
1 March 2013
February was such a good month — I was able to share our wedding from start to finish with you all, and we capped things off with my birthday yesterday. Thank you again for the well wishes!

Ryan Ray
I did pretty well with my February goals despite a busier than anticipated month — I got to everything but the Valentine’s Day packages, though I will admit I ticked off several last night! Just in the nick of time.
This month, I will:
— Photograph our apartment to share on EFM
— Read another biography (for no. 61)
— Investigate eBates, and possibly sign up
— Finish the Gospel of John (reading along with COR)
— Decorate some eggies for Easter
You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. If you’d like to share your goals for March, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!
1 February 2013
Happy February, y’all! When last we spoke of goals, it was the beginning of January and new year’s resolutions were shiny and new. Since you all are awesome, I bet you’re still feeling good! Whether or not that’s true, here’s a chance to take a look back and ahead…

Banana chocolate chip pancake recipe here — YUM!
I am happy to report that I checked off every single one of my January goals — whoo!! And, not only did I obtain the biography, I read it! Thank you, Lisa! (I started 7 post-Julia and am already almost finished – highly recommended.) On to February!
This month, I will:
— Nail down date for camping trip (for no. 34)
— Print out a darn poem and tape it to the bathroom mirror (for no. 56 — this one has proved difficult in the past)
— Send Valentine’s Day packages to five friends (for no. 87)
— Make dentist appointments for both John and myself
— Plan something sweet and simple for the 14th
— Help John complete our taxes
— Send a thank you note and a few wedding photos to my house angels
— Send in my passport for surname updating
You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. Now, off to schedule each of these in my planner! If you’d like to share your goals for February, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!
P.S. Get excited — next week, we’re taking a break from regularly scheduled programming for a full slate of wedding-related posts, including our rehearsal dinner, our budget breakdown, a few DIYs, and extended looks at our ceremony and reception! YAY!!
22 January 2013
Happy Tuesday! Today I’m so happy to report that I’ve completed another of my 101 in 1001 goals: to kick off my Friends of Em program! Since my blog was redesigned in late 2011, I’ve had a nifty little banner system in my sidebar labeled “Friends of Em.” The idea was that one day it might have advertisements, but, since I have no plans to begin accepting advertisers anytime soon and it’s shame for that space to go to waste, I thought up something even better!
John and I love the friends we’ve made in North Carolina. They are a marvelous bunch, indeed, and one of the coolest things about them is that almost all of them are self-employed, or entrepreneurs in one way or another! We are very proud of them, and obviously want them to succeed. I thought one small way I might be able to support them would be to list one banner a month in my sidebar. Now, it’s even more appropriate that the category is called “Friends of Em”!
January’s “Friend” is Graham Terhune Photography. Graham and his wife Samantha are wedding photographers based in Chapel Hill. In their free time, they enjoy being our doubles tennis buddies :) As I was looking through their site, their black and whites kept jumping out at me, so I thought I’d share a few here (as well as a few in color!)…

Just for fun, here’s one of my favorites of Sam and Graham, taken on their wedding day by Meredith Perdue.

You can see their whole wedding here!
Yay for friends, and Friends of Em!