12 July 2013
To wrap up our week of adventures, I thought I’d post some pictures from the spring camping trip we took with some of our bestest friends. Said friends happen to all be professional photographers, so John and I figured it was safe to leave our camera at home :)
We camped at Hanging Rock State Park in Danbury (about two hours from the Triangle), and I can’t recommend it highly enough for a “soft” trip – i.e. if you’re not into the idea of carrying everything you need for the night into the woods. Hanging Rock was wild enough that we felt like we were off the beaten path and beautiful enough to encourage us to hike up steep hills, but civilized enough so that we ate well, could concentrate on enjoying each other’s company, and didn’t have to pee in the woods :)
A few photos, courtesy of Nancy Ray! (And P.S., you can read her blog post here!)

Yep, we brought peonies. That’s how this group rolls.

Fun with friends! Nothing better. If you’re interested in Hanging Rock, John’s also written about it on his blog here!
P.S. By far the most exciting part of our trip was Sam and Graham telling us they are expecting!! December is going to be an exciting month!
1 July 2013
Oh my word, we’re in the second half of the year!

And I feel pretty good about that! I didn’t do particularly well with my June goals (completed about half), so you’ll see many of them on my July list. One thing we did complete — by the skin of our teeth — was the raised bed. We got it in in between two waves of storms on Thursday, finishing after dark. But when we woke up in the morning, it still looked good!
This month I will…
– Organize the loft
– Sharpen knives
– Hang some art downstairs
– Get a rain barrel
– Take our bikes in for a tune-up
– Enroll in life insurance for me (John already has it through his job)
For the rest of my July goals, please see this post :)
You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. If you’d like to share your goals for July, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!
3 June 2013
Hello, friends! Welcome to June!

John Dolan
I completed all of my May goals except the household maintenance calendar/checklist. I’m pretty much done with it, but I thought it would be wise to get settled in the new house before finalizing and printing! Per request I will plan to share it here afterward.
On to June! This month I will…
— Finish moving and unpacking!
— Plan our July road trip to Michigan!
— Buy an American flag for our porch before the Fourth of July
— Build a raised bed
— Sharpen our knives. A sharp knife is a safe knife, after all :)
— Meet our three closest neighbors (and hopefully make a good impression!)
— Clear out the starred items in my Google Reader before it shuts down, and switch to another service (Feedly?)
You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. If you’d like to share your goals for June, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!
P.S. I meant to add this note to my last post, but I wanted to let my NC peeps know that I just added a “North Carolina” category to the blog, where all my local posts can now be found!
1 May 2013
Hooray for May!

Home Design Decorating
I completed almost all of my April goals, including selling our rowing machine on Craigslist! My first Craigslist sale! Let me tell you, the high I got from getting cash for something (a large something) that’s just been collecting dust in our apartment was incredible. We get cash + we get rid of clutter + my new friend now has a rowing machine on the cheap = a win-win-win situation. I procrastinated on this one for 28 days, but am so glad I finally got it together to put up the listing!
On to May! This month I will:
— Clean my makeup brushes (tips here)
— Finish photographing our apartment (about 50% done!)
— Go camping (no. 34)
— Brainstorm, design, and print a master chore/household checklist
— Reread my thesis (no. 96) to remind myself I am a smart and creative cookie :)
You can see all of my 101 in 1001 goals here and my 2013 daily goals here. If you’d like to share your goals for May, I’d love for you to either list them in the comments or leave a link, and I promise I’ll check them out!