Best of 2021
Blessing upon blessing upon blessing. I hope I don’t sound like a broken record, but that’s all I could think about as I wrote this post. It was not hard to find good in this year, but I do believe when we pause and intentionally look for the good, we find more and more of it.
As you read along and reflect on your own year, I hope my musings might help you to pick out your own memorable moments. In the comments, please share a few of your best memories, finds, and favorites from 2021, if you’d like. As always, I can’t wait to hear!

Best adventure/travel/trip: We were lucky to go on several memorable trips this year, but I think Jekyll Island tops the list! It was our first official “spring break” trip as a family, and staying at a resort was an enchanting novelty to our children (who are used to family cottages or Airbnbs). And returning to Cumberland Island after more than a decade was such a fun bonus!
Best book: For non-fiction, it’s a tie between Being Mortal and The Self-Driven Child – both books that will stay with me for a long time, and ones I know I’ll revisit in the years to come. My favorite fiction reads were The Dutch House and The Dearly Beloved.
Best TV show or movie: Ted Lasso, OBVIOUSLY. It is funny, sweet, so sincere, and full of life lessons I am still unpacking. The second season had its dodgy moments, but I still believe.
Best album or song: Can I choose a playlist, instead? The kids’ worship playlist I put together for the littles has been the best way to start our day in the second half of the year – we all love it! More about this soon.
Best follow on Instagram: I added a few gals I’m loving! Kristen Morris is my soul sister – she is a beautiful writer, a lover of stories, and has a knack for seeing and sharing the goodness, magic, and tenderness in everyday family life. Kate of Naptime Kitchen is the only person I can think of who actually nails the balance of approachability on Instagram – she brings peace, grace, and fun to that platform like no other. And it’s always a delight when This is Like Magic (“endless ways to make someone’s day”) pops up in my feed.
Best new podcast listen, newsletter subscribe, or blog follow: I added Jill Atogwe’s blog to my Feedly after meeting her as the new co-host of the Coffee & Crumbs podcast, a longtime favorite of mine. My newest podcast subscription is Risen Motherhood! I’ve tried following them on Instagram and subscribing to their blog, but so far the podcast is my favorite vehicle to enjoy them.

Best kiddo milestone: June going to kindergarten. Entering into formal schooling has made for such a big year for her and for our whole family, and I am just so grateful to God that she’s had an amazing experience so far. Loved celebrating this milestone with our first back-to-school dinner, too! And June learning to read!! That has just been mind-blowing, truly.
Best faith grower: Annie’s birth was the sweetest reminder of God’s kindness, faithfulness, and His mystery.
Best trend you tried: This was a big year for me and trends! I went full-on Nap Dress in well-documented fashion (easy to do, considering it was what I wore 50% of days for awhile there) and jumped into the world of fauxm Birks for all of our pool trips. After a little style consult with my girl Lisa, though, the biggest 2021 change might be tucking in my shirts — I was known to do a half-hearted front tuck here and there, but now I’m doing full tucks on the daily. I think I like it.
Best beauty purchase: After loving Beauty Counter’s Skin Twin foundation (it was my 2020 favorite beauty purchase!), I added their Skin Twin concealer to my repertoire earlier this year. Loved it just as much! Then the tip of the wand snapped off a few weeks ago, and now I’m eagerly awaiting a redesigned restock in spring 2022. Fingers crossed!
Best family memory: I still need to write up the recap, but our Black Mountain trip this fall felt so, so sweet. It was our first family trip with just the five of us, and the whole thing went remarkably smoothly. Multiple times throughout the weekend, I felt myself looking around and being so grateful and awestruck that this is the crew I get to hang with.

Best friend memory: There were some good ones this year I’ll remember for a long time! It wasn’t without difficulty (ahem, John’s injury) or expense, but I am SO GLAD three very pregnant gals made the garden party happen. And wow, we celebrated six years of Articles Club in style! On both occasions I sat around a beautiful, candlelit table long into the dark with great friends, delicious food, and excellent conversation, and it doesn’t get much better than that.
Best new tradition: Our Valentine’s Day mailbox was such a hit, and something the kids are still talking about months later.
Best habit you created: Baking with June and morning smoothies. Also, assigning our children the “after school jobs” of putting away their backpacks, putting their lunchboxes on the counter, putting away their jackets, and for June, charging her computer and refilling her snack container for the next day. It sounds small, but has been a big help as I unload my own things and get Annie situated.
Favorite blog post written: This post still kills me. Hard to read sometimes. Otherwise, I think one place I shine is sharing a personal take on topics many of us deal with but rarely see discussed, and this year, that was this post about deciding to have a third child. What a post to look back on now that sweet Annie is here in our family!
Best new recipe: Pizza Soup!
Best life or mom hack: Did you know that you can get a glass top for the Instant Pot? I’ve loved our IP but never felt it performed particularly well as a slow cooker (plus, you couldn’t smell whatever delicious thing was inside because of the seal!), but the glass top has been a game changer.

Best mama moment: Tea and pedicures with June is what immediately came to mind, but honestly, there were so many tiny moments – reading to all three kids on the bed, taking our first car ride as a family of five – of feeling completion, wholeness, and happiness in the weeks after Annie was born that were just the sweetest hugs from God confirming five is our number.
Best home improvement: Painting our master bedroom Hiring someone to paint our master bedroom has made the biggest difference! I’m often underwhelmed by the paint colors I choose even after much consideration, but this one (Benjamin Moore Pale Smoke) has been a winner. And it is all thanks to one of you – reader Emma came in hot with the recommendation and we ran with it!
Best little luxury you’ve enjoyed: This might sound funny, but walking June to school. We don’t get to do it every day, but when we do, I just love it so much. It takes more time than driving (kind of the luxury part!), but I get to be outside, moving my body and being with my girl, and there are few things better than that.
As always, I’m ending the year so grateful for the delights, big and small, that filled our year. I’ll be sharing more in my year in review post coming up soon, but in the meantime, please do share: what are some of your “bests” from 2021? Can’t wait to hear!
P.S. A few of my dear friends shared their 2021 favorites this week, too — Lisa, Stephanie, Kerstin, and Sam!
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I was so looking forward to reading about your bests! Some of ours are very similar (Ted Lasso!! Freshly painted walls! Having a kindergartener! Walking to school!) Had I put favorite blog to follow as a category, it would have been yours! Next year :)
Also: walking to and from school feels like SUCH a luxury! I think that pretty much every day. Especially in the afternoon when I see the carline, ha. Glad to get to enjoy that, too!
I have not had time to do much reflecting yet. But the highlights I put in our Christmas cards were that our son started Pre-K and that he enjoys library time, math activities, and the playground. My husband passed two financial exams, lost a lot of weight, and read a lot of books. And I continued running my book club, read 74 books, and held us all together. Ha! And an exciting thing we started (that did not make the cards) was our adoption journey!
Victoria! What a year! Congratulations to your husband and WOW so excited for your adoption journey!! Please do let me know if you do any sort of public fundraiser – would love to be a part of it :)
Thanks for another fun year of Best ofs, friend!! I loved reminiscing and reflecting on the year. Absolutely yes to Being Mortal (far & away one of my top non-fiction reads of this year!) and The Dearly Beloved (one of my top four last year!)… and Ted Lasso and celebrating six years of articles club, of course!! I love the sweet and special moments and milestones with the kiddos and Annie’s arrival this year! So much love to y’all!!
[…] few of my dear friends shared their 2021 favorites this week too–Emily, Sam, and […]
Your recaps involving June specifically make me SO excited to watch Griffin grow!! The special dinner before the first day of school and the tea/pedi date both make me feel giddy. I can’t wait!! What a beautiful year ????
I always love these posts! Such a sweet conclusion.
Pandemic related bests included hopping on a couple airplanes after 11 months off, eating in a couple of indoor restaurants again – one being a new Tapas restaurant!
In non pandemic news – I bought my first house(!!!) and learned a lot about home ownership, fell for Ted Lasso as hard as y’all, read Finlay Donovan is Killing it (best book I’ve read in a veryyyy long time – non scary murder mystery!), and hosted my first Christmas tea. The sweetest.
Congratulations on your home, Katrina!! And the Christmas tea does sound so sweet.
Emily, I found your blog through SW way back in 2010/2011 when I was a freshman in college and followed along for many years until 2018 or so, when Instagram scrolling (unfortunately) took over blog reading for me. I recently “re-discovered” you, and was so happy to see you’re still putting out such thoughtful content. As I’m patiently (ha!) awaiting a proposal from the kindest man ever, I think back to you saying “marry the kind one” in one of your anniversary posts from years ago. That line has run through my mind countless times over the last 23 months since meeting Alex and figuring out if he was the one for me. Very much looking forward to keeping up with your blog better as I’m trying to decrease my time spent on social media apps. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Kaitlin! You made my week with this comment. Thank you so much for being here!! Best wishes on your hopefully-coming-soon proposal :)
I always love reading your “best of” lists, Emily! You inspired me to share my own — I started a weekly Substack newsletter earlier this year called Benediction. My subscribers are mostly friends and family but it’s been a bright spot of 2021. :) Em for Marvelous is always a bright spot in my blog feed. Wishing your family a Merry Christmas and Happy 2022!