August 2021 goals
It’s crazy to think that this time last month, we hadn’t met our second daughter yet, and now, she’s here! It has been the sweetest month, marked by several moments – reading to all three kids on the bed, taking our first car ride as a family of five – when I’ve had the sweetest (that word again! It’s the only one that fits!) feelings of completion, wholeness, and happiness. Just a few weeks in, five feels just right, and I am so grateful.

On my calendar this month:
— All things kindergarten! We are looking forward to a neighborhood breakfast for rising kindergartners, a popsicles with the principal event, and of course, the first day of school!
— Our newborn photos with Graham! Still need to choose those outfits :)
What I’m loving right now:
— My friend Kayte Fry makes genius-level charcuterie boards, and we were lucky enough to have a breakfast-themed one delivered by her crew! (Above!) Locals can order through her Instagram here.
— After borrowing a Nap Dress for our family photos, I finally pulled the trigger on ordering my own a few weeks ago. It was not inexpensive, but once I de-precioused it in my mind and decided it’s just a part of my wardrobe that’s meant to be worn, it has been glorious. I have worn it 2-3 times a week since Annie was born, and yes, I have indeed napped in it. I highly recommend it for pregnancy and post-partum, and I assume just normal life, too :)
— I thought this review of research showing what parenting practices were common in families where young adults remained in the faith was fascinating. All the more reason to blast Mission House!
You can see all the things I’ve loved in my goal posts over the years right here!
What I read in July:
— American Royals | I forgot that this novel is YA, but once I adjusted my expectations, it was enjoyable! I thought the characters were memorable and the concept creative. Talk about a cliffhanger, though! Basically none of the storylines wrapped up by the end of the book, leading me to add the sequel to my hold requests…
— The Self-Driven Child | Holy cow I LOVE THIS BOOK! I am on a streak of fantastic non-fiction and this one is no exception. I’ve been taking notes for a book review post because it’s just that good! More to come…
My reading list for 2021, if you’d like to follow along! I’m a little out of order but have read 13 out of 24 so far.
Revisiting my July goals:Buy the last few things to get ready for baby girl’s arrivalFinish out our Big List for baby girl
Choose newborn photo outfits for baby girl and older kids
Lay out 2012 in family album Prep for kindergarten
Edit June in June, Volume 6Enjoy our first few weeks with our new family member!! (Most definitely.)
August goals:
— Edit June in June, Volume 6
— Lay out 2012 in family album
— Choose scripture theme for the school year and plan and enjoy our back-to-school dinner
— Prep for our Florida vacation – first road trip as a family of five!!
— Take a morning walk with Annie every day the weather allows
— Do a Peloton exercise every day. Stretching, yoga, weights, barre, meditation – it doesn’t matter! Just a good challenge to get back into the habit :) At the six-weeks-from-delivery mark I should be able to incorporate easy rides, too.
In July, afternoon naps won out over goal progress most days, and I can’t say that the same won’t happen in August :) Committing to just a few things, and a few daily habits, to make this a great month all around! (Naps very much included!)
As a reminder, many of these are drawn from my 2021 goals!
Thanks for sharing the research review about what parenting practices kept kids in the faith! You’re right, that was SUPER fascinating, even to someone who doesn’t have kids yet but who grew up a believer and has “stuck with it.” :)
I had to count the number of tabs I clicked on from this post – 5! That should keep me occupied for awhile, so thank you :)
As always, thank you for the book recs! I’m in the middle of Evvie Drake Starts Over right now, thanks to you, and I am really enjoying it.
Also, that is such a wonderful idea to have a neighborhood breakfast for rising kindergarteners. I hope it’s fun!
Hi Em, I’ve been on a deep dive of your wonderful site lately, and am intrigued if you ever did a review of the Self-driven child?? It’s a book I didn’t initially want to read, but I have come to think it’d be a good challenge to some of my parenting mind-sets – I’d love to hear more of your thoughts before I hit purchase!
Great question, Sarah! I did not!! I still want to, ha! Even if you don’t agree with all of it, I feel confident that you’ll appreciate it as food for thought. Highly recommend! And I’ll see what I can do about that post :)