April 2016 goals

1 April 2016

When I sat down to write my March goals, I was two weeks into taking care of June by myself during the day, and feeling a bit discouraged and overwhelmed (hence all the talk about “simplicity” here). The vantage point from four weeks later feels totally different! We move easily through our days, and they are a joy and a delight. That being said, more change is on the horizon. I transition back into work in the middle of the month, and my Mom is coming to stay with us for a few weeks to watch June before she starts daycare (we like to call it “school” :) ) in May.

I know some of you are hoping I will write about going back to work, but I haven’t yet decided what, if anything, I’d like to say. For me personally, I know that hearing about the work/childcare arrangements of others, if they are “better” than mine, is one of my biggest jealousy triggers. Which is ridiculous, because I have an understanding workplace with lots of flexibility, the ability to have June home with me during the day, the resources to send her to our first-choice school, and a job I love. With all of my parenting posts (and all of my posts, period!), my aim is to make you feel more equipped and lifted up, not sad or discouraged. Maybe it’s just my perspective or individual neuroses, but I feel like work talk has the potential to do the latter. I will keep thinking on it! But for now, let’s chat about goals…

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Revisiting my goals for March:
Bring a thank you gift to the post-partum nurses’ station at the hospital where I delivered
Read “The Practice of the Presence of God” for NR Book Club
Work push-ups and sit-ups back into my daily routine (While I did do many push-ups, I wouldn’t say I worked them into my routine. As my schedule becomes more regular with my transition back to work, I’m planning to find one set time I can do them every day!)
Start running again
Print a 2016 downtown restaurant bucket list
Read “Jesus Calling” every day (Not every day, but I have it sitting next to the glider and felt inspired every day I DID read it!)
Clean up “that corner” of our bedroom that has been taken over by June stuff
Hang things in June’s nursery (I hung one of the framed prints!! Still have the mobile and wooden framed art to go.)

April goals:
— Read “Boundaries” for the NR Book Club
— Successfully take work trips to Atlanta and Hilton Head with my Mom and June in tow (!)
— Prep our raised bed and plant our seedlings
— Assemble and hang June’s mobile
— Order favorite Instagram prints from 2015
— Get an estimate from one more landscaping company
— Apply to our HOA to have a tree removed (eep)
— Finish our will
— Begin waking up at 6:30am for an hour of work/leisure before June wakes up
— Begin getting ready for bed at 10pm

As a reminder, here are my 2016 guideposts. If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments!

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Kelly Strawberry
April 1, 2016 8:24 am

I loved returning to work and sending my son to “school,” which is also what I call his day care. He is so happy there and learns SO MUCH from the older babies in his class! The socialization is really great. Maybe he would have hit these milestones either way, but he immediately started rolling over, cooing, laughing, smiling more, etc. when he started school. He stares at those “big” kids (6 month olds) all day long! Good luck with your transition this month!!!

April 1, 2016 8:57 am

I love reading your goals. Good luck with your month, I’ll be cheering you on. And as for the thoughts on sharing working and having June, I say go with your gut. You’ll know whats best. ;)

April 1, 2016 9:16 am

She is SO PRECIOUS!! I love these goals, and I’d love to hear more about your working plans, if you decide to share them. I’m going to go back to work after my baby’s born and am always looking for advice from other working mamas.

April 1, 2016 9:18 am

Good luck with the return to work! I LOVE my job as well… but it was still a tough transition for me with #1. Thankfully, a supportive husband, boss, coworkers, and friends encouraged me to push through those first few challenging weeks/months as I adjusted to my new normal. They ALL extended a lot of grace as I figured out how to manage all my new responsibilities. And I’m so glad I did… my work is incredible and my family is incredible. I’m glad I have both in my life! You can do it! No one is superwoman, though, so just lean on your people to help you through and don’t be afraid to ask for all the help you need.

April 1, 2016 10:31 am

Oh my- sweet June just keeps getting cuter each time you post a photo! Precious girl! Your goals are always some of my favorites, friend! :)

April 1, 2016 10:36 am

That chubby bunny baby of yours is too cute!! :) Love your heart behind all your goals and I’ll be cheering you on as you transition back to work!

Also, I think any time we put ourselves out there, there’s the potential to make others jealous, sad, etc. due to the nature of sin in this world. I think if you decided to share about balancing work as a new mama, your heart and WHY for sharing would still be evident and encourage many! :)

April 1, 2016 8:06 pm

Impressive progress on your March goals! Can’t wait to get down there and see that cute bunny in person and all the progress in her nursery!

April 4, 2016 8:02 am

Oh Em, I love your heart. You would never make anyone feel jealous because all of your wisdom and the things you share here come from a great place with the best of intentions. I always love reading your posts, friend. And June is the sweetest! Xoxo

April 4, 2016 11:24 pm

Thank you for sharing! I had a question- where do you get your instagrams printed? I’ve been looking for a good site but have yet to find one that I like enough to do so.

April 5, 2016 9:47 am

I would LOVE to see your restaurant bucket list! When I visit mom, we are always looking for new places to try :)

As for returning to work, be encouraged- I’ve done it 4 times!! It is gonna be easier than you anticipate!

Enjoy visiting with your mom <3

April 7, 2016 12:51 pm

Em, I love how intentional you are with what you share online! I think whatever choice you make as far as how much/what you share will be the right one. :) And I’ve found that no matter what I post online, it almost always has the potential to make people feel sad or jealous (like pics of your baby if someone’s trying to get pregnant or marriage advice/blessings if someone who reads it is longing to be married). They are tough decisions to make, but all of us who follow you know your heart is in the right place with anything you share. I know I definitely look up to women like you, Lara, Rhi, Emily who have kiddos and are working/running businesses, so there is potential to make a positive impact and share great ideas. :)

Thanks for your encouragement and inspiration with your goals each month! Here are mine here: (on my newly redesigned site! Cue all the praise hands. hehe)
