A marvelous giveaway

27 September 2018

UPDATE: Winners have been chosen! Congratulations to Madi, Rachel, Katie, Clara, Connie, Whitley, Elise, Katie, Virginia, and Ashley. All have been emailed :)

Friends, this is my Oprah moment! If you’re not going to host an amazing giveaway on your ten-year anniversary, when are you?! To celebrate each of you, I’m giving away ten prizes, keyed to ten of my favorite Em for Marvelous topics. Without further ado, here are the prizes, given in honor of our shared passion for…

Anagram Photo!

FINANCIAL FREEDOM | A year’s subscription to You Need a Budget. Though I’ve never used YNAB personally since I have my own crazy system, it comes highly recommended, I love their philosophy, and I know it will be an amazing catalyst for some lucky person.

FAITH | A complete Write the Word collection, including Write the Word for Kids (7 volumes!). Side note: right now if you buy three WTW journals, you get one free!

ADVENTURE | A $50 Airbnb gift card. Some of our most amazing experiences have been launched from the front doors of strangers’ homes – I can’t wait to see where this will take you!

KIDDOS | An Emily Ley baby book, in your choice of mint or blush. This is the memory keeper I use for both June and Shep, and unsurprisingly, it is perfect in its simplicity.

BEING GOOD TO OURSELVES | A jar of One Love Organics Skin Dew, my most beloved moisturizer.

FUN | A Scattergories set, one of my perennial favorites, with wishes for many happy game nights in your future.

MARRIAGE | A copy of The Meaning of Marriage, probably the best book on relationships I’ve read.

GOALS | A set of 2019 PowerSheets when they debut in October, in your choice of cover (!). Since I started using them, nothing has helped me make progress on my goals more.

CELEBRATIONS | A copy of How to Celebrate Everything, by far the best book I’ve read on creating traditions and cultivating a rich family life in the most doable, joyful, real-person way.

GENEROSITY | I will give $500 to the charity of your choice, in your honor, provided it is an accredited 501c3 public charity. We are blessed to be a blessing.

Very special thanks to Cultivate What Matters, One Love Organics, and Emily Ley for helping me throw this giveaway!


Since I’m just over here doing this for fun, I don’t have any hoops for you to jump through, but I am going to make you work a bit, ha! To spice things up, I’d love for you to leave a comment answering four questions as your entry:

1. The best book you’ve read recently:
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into:
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States:
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*:

*Examples from mine include hosting a chocolate chip cookie taste-off, taking June to play BINGO, setting up an ice cream sundae bar for our family just because, and hiking a Western NC bald :)

As a bonus, tell me which prize you’d most like to win! I will randomly choose and email ten winners next Thursday, October 4. Can’t wait to read your answers, and good luck!!

UPDATE: Winners have been chosen! Congratulations to Madi, Rachel, Katie, Clara, Connie, Whitley, Elise, Katie, Virginia, and Ashley. All have been emailed :)

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September 27, 2018 6:37 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: Pachinko
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Ravenclaw
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Mendocino, CA
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: Learning how to curl my hair!

September 27, 2018 7:08 am

1. The Big Short
2. Either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
3. The Grand Canyon. I’ve never been somewhere that has lived up to the hype as much as the Grand Canyon!
4. Read a book a month for a year, kayak Lake Johnson with my husband, and learn how to bake a pie!

I would love to win the Celebration prize!

September 27, 2018 8:05 am

Happy Ten Years Em! What a marvelous milestone!

1. I just finished Free Food for Millionares and I loved it! It’s about coming to America, family and living/working in NYC.
2. I actually had my entire stats class senior year of high school take the extended 100 question test on Potter More and got my teacher to group our tables by house. I’m a Ravenclaw through and through but sometimes dream of being a Griffindor!
3. I would have to say New York City! I just love the energy and all of arts there!
4. Hosting a second annual soup swap! Each guest brings a set number of soups + a smaller taster. You try the tasters and then trade soups and award a winner! Each guest leaves with a full belly and stocked freezer of hearty soups! Costs are pretty low: whatever your soup costs to make and a loaf or two of crusty bread for dunking!
Bonus: I would love to win the power sheets! By the time I knew about them last year they were sold out! They seem like such a wonderful planning tool!

September 27, 2018 8:09 am

Happy blog-aversary!

1. I just finished The Best Yes and it is a wonderful reminder of how to spend our time wisely and purposely.
2. I’m a Ravenclaw (who wishes she was a Gryffindor)
3. Alaska – the raw beauty of Alaska is unforgettable!
4. Making it a routine / schedule to plan monthly get-togethers with our neighbor friends.
Bonus: Expecting a baby on 11/2 so I’d love the Emily Ley baby book!!

September 27, 2018 8:27 am

Hi!! Thanks for doing this!
1. I loved the Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and I’m also on the last book of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King and loving it!!!
2. Definitely Gryffindor
3. I loved Yellowstone but my all time favorite is Captiva Island in Florida where my whole family goes for vacation every year!! This upcoming year we will have 2 new babies with us ????
4. I want to go hiking with my little family!! We live in Michigan so I know there are trails around but we have never done it. My son is 2 now so he would love it too!!
I would love the How to Celebrate Everything book (I read it from the library and loved it!!!) or the baby book as I am pregnant with #2 ???? The Airbnb would be great too!!!

September 27, 2018 8:28 am

What a generous giveaway! Congratulations on 10 years; it’s a huge milestone!

1. The best book you’ve read recently: I’m currently in the middle of Talent is Overrated and it is so full of truthbombs. I’m a singer as well as a voice and piano teacher and reading about how we become GREAT at things … it’s incredible!

2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: I’m a Gryffindor. (Who is often mistaken for a Slytherin.)

3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: I love Philadelphia. What an amazing city.

4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list: I want to collect all the heirloom recipes of my family!

Bonus: I am a huge goal-setter and would love the PowerSheets!

Jess Donohue
September 27, 2018 8:28 am

So excited about this giveaway! Here are my answers…

1. “Free of Me: Why Life is Better When it’s Not About You” by Sharon Miller
2. Hufflepuff House
3. Bend, Oregon (and Oregon in general)
4. Going to the Life and Science Museum in Durham and also going pumpkin picking in the next few weeks (not to mention the Bluegrass festival this weekend and the state fair coming up!)

September 27, 2018 8:29 am

How fun! Congratulations on a momentous milestone.

1.A Man called Ove!
2. Hufflepuff – as I most value loyalty
3. So hard to pick! I’ll go with my most recent favorite, Beaver Creek, Colorado just as the Aspen trees were turning a golden yellow. Magic.
4. Finally organize family photos.
bonus: Generosity! My fiancee is the Director of Development for an all-boys tuition free school in our area and I’d love to bless them with this gift.

September 27, 2018 8:40 am

I just recently discovered your blog and am loving it!! So much great, helpful content! :) Congrats on 10 years!

1. The best book you’ve read recently: I got married this summer and also loved The Meaning of Marriage! My husband and I are now reading Love & Respect which I think is SUPER helpful too. On a fun note, I just read 2 historical romance novels by Tessa Dare on our honeymoon and ohmyword are they fun! :)

2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Ravenclaw!

3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Lake Tahoe, CA

4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list: Hosting a board game night + baked potato bar with friends

Bonus! Which prize I would most like to win: Powersheets! I have been thinking about getting them! :)

Thank you!!

September 27, 2018 8:44 am

Happy, happy TEN YEARS! Wow, that’s amazing. I am so deeply grateful for 1. you and your heart + 2. your thoughtful, inspiring writing + 3. and articles club, so much!!

1. The best book you’ve read recently: Ironically, I just re-read the entire Harry Potter series again (probably for the fifth time, but for the first time in many years), and it’s amazing just how much I STILL love, love, love these books, even as a 31-year-old. I loved them as they each came out, back in the day, and they’re just so good.
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Gryffindor!
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: this is a hard one — likely Colorado and the mountains/landscape there. We live in such an incredible country with a myriad of breathtaking landscapes and people. I really want to go to the Northeast soon — especially Maine.
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: have a chili cook-off! and maybe starting a supper club. and hiking through the colorful leaves in the mountains of NC later in October!
Bonus: the adventure or generosity category!


Jess Thore
September 27, 2018 8:53 am

Not entering because I want so many other friends to win these wonderful prizes, BUT I AM HERE TO TALK ABOUT THAT PHOTO!! Be still my June + Shep-loving heart!

September 27, 2018 8:53 am

Cheers to 10 years!!
1. The best book you’ve read recently: I really enjoyed My Oxford Year.
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: According to Pottermore I am a Slytherin although I always thought I would be a Ravenclaw (English major over here.)
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: I actually haven’t traveled a ton in the US but I loved Chicago for all the history and museums, California is gorgeous between Redwood forests, beach, and my family.
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: I always host an ornament exchange at Christmas time but I would love to host a recipe swap themed dinner party.

September 27, 2018 8:54 am

Congratulations!! I just discovered your blog about six months ago and have loved following along :) Especially loved your How We Do It series!

1. The best book you’ve read recently: Of Mess and Moxie by Jen Hatmaker! I basically underlined the whole thing. It got me so excited for raising teens, even though mine are just littles right now!
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: I went through my childhood thinking I was a Gryffindor, but I’m pretty sure I’m a Hufflepuff :)
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: My parents and I loved Bryce Canyon and think it’s underrated!
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: We can’t wait to take our girls camping when they get older!

September 27, 2018 8:56 am

Forgot to answer the bonus question :) Powersheets… or AirBNB… or How to Celebrate Everything! Honestly, they’re all wonderful prizes!

September 27, 2018 9:10 am

Happy blog-iversary! It’s been a joy to read your posts over the last (now many) years.

1. Every morning, I’ve been reading a poem from Mary Oliver’s Devotions. Her connection with nature as part of the divine is such a peaceful way to start the day
2. Aspirationally: Gryffindor….In real life, probably Hufflepuff
3. My favorite US trip has been to Yosemite. It is an absolutely breathtaking, spiritual place.
4. Low-cost item on my bucket list: Learn to play the piano!

Bonus: Kiddos! Love that baby book, how sweet.

September 27, 2018 9:16 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Probably Ravenclaw but when I’m really happy, Hufflepuff.
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Maine was gorgeous. I also love the Finger Lakes in NY.
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list: Go apple picking this fall and make some delicious treats.
Bonus: I think I am most intrigued by your favorite moisturizer!

September 27, 2018 9:20 am

1. Station Eleven and Make It Happen
2. Gryffindor
3. Pacific Northwest road trip
4. Take our kids to a our college alumna football game/tailgate

Congrats on your blog anniversary! I’ve loved reading along over the years!

September 27, 2018 9:20 am

1. Option B
2. I’m not a Harry Potter fan :(
3. The Grand Canyon
4. Camping with the Grandkids
Bonus: I would love the donation in my name to the Melanoma Research Foundation because I lost my husband of 31 years almost 2 years ago to melanoma.

September 27, 2018 12:32 pm
Reply to  Cathy

Cathy- My heart hurts for you! Sorry for your loss! I’m a VA Nurse and I worked in Dermatology for many years! Hugs!!

September 27, 2018 9:24 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: All the Pretty Things by Edie Wadsworth
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Hufflepuff :)
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: CO or Fernandina Beach
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: Supper club, find the perfect cardigan at the thrift store, try a new cookie recipe
Bonus: The Write the Word collection! I’m trying to create a habit of journaling and I think this would b =e a great start!

Nichole Winkel
September 27, 2018 9:24 am

Happy ten years! Reading your blog always brings a little joy to my work week, so I’m happy to celebrate with you!

1. It’s not a recent read, but I can’t stop recommending The Nightingale to everyone. If you like historical fiction you will love it and it is one of the few books to make me cry.
2. Slytherin! The first time I took the test that answer made me cringe, but I’ve grown to be proud of my house over time.
3. Denver/Boulder, Colorado. Hiking out there was so good for my southern Georgia roots, where snow and mountains don’t really exist. Plus I had the best tacos and pizza there.
4. Seeing the wild horses on the NC Outer Banks. We’ve lived in Raleigh for 5 years and still haven’t made it out there, but soon!

Sarah Gusky Kemer
September 27, 2018 9:31 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker — also highly recommend her book Age of Miracles!
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: 100% Ravenclaw
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Fredericksburg VA is cute, walkable, and fun!
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: Do a summit hike w my family.

September 27, 2018 9:32 am

1. currently reading Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller
2. hufflepuff!
3. I love the excitement of NYC!
4. Host a Friendsgiving!
Bonus: I would most like to win the PowerSheets ❤️

September 27, 2018 9:33 am

1. A Simplified Life – actually walking through it and not just reading it.
2. Slytherin
3. I loved Savannah, GA!
4. Going on a picnic with our family :)
Bonus: I would love to have a copy of the 2019 PowerSheets – they have been a game-changer for me this year in pursuing my goals!

Congrats on 10 years!

September 27, 2018 9:35 am

1. I recently listened to To Kill A Mockingbird on Hoopla (the best!) because I somehow never read it in high school, and was surprised by how much I really loved it. Definitely into my top 5 favorite books!
2. Gryffindor…supported by Pottermore and every other test I’ve ever done!
3. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel much, but my husband is from Argentina and he and my stepkids have lived in SC all the kids lives. I love taking them to my home in Virginia and taking them to all the historical sites which I’ve seen a million times but it is so fun to see them experiencing them for the first time.
4. To take my husband and stepkids camping. They’ve never been and I’m a lifelong Girl Scout. :)
Bonus: The Write the Word collection. I bought myself Cultivate Prayer a few months back and its the first journal I’ve ever really stuck to. I’d love to do more and share some with others.

What a great giveaway!!

September 27, 2018 9:36 am

Congratulations! Frequent reader, infrequent commenter here– I’ve enjoyed spending my twenties and thirties with your blog. Your wedding planning series was a Bible for me when planning my own garden-party-inspired nuptials! Thanks for being a perennial bright spot in an ever darkening Internet world.

1. The best book you’ve read recently: Clock Dance by Anne Tyler
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: I’m a Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw aspirations
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: A tie between hiking Havasupai Falls and Glacier National Park
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list: Memorizing the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Bonus: A tie between your generosity and goals giveaways.

September 27, 2018 9:36 am

Happy ten years!

1. Kate Bowler’s Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved
2. Ravenclaw!
3. I would say Nantucket!
4. Reading the whole Bible

Bonus: The faith bundle! Growing in faith is one of my goals and something I am encouraged in by EFM :)

September 27, 2018 9:40 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: When Breath Becomes Air (prepare for all the tears!!)
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Ravenclaw, for sure!
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Savannah, GA is forever one of my favorite places.
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: Run a half-marathon…hopefully to be completed next spring (in Charleston!)

Bonus: Celebrations!

Natalie V Andrews
September 27, 2018 9:41 am

1. A Hundred Summers (also finally read The Catcher in the Rye and I loved it)
2. Hufflepuff
3. Nantucket… or maybe out west like Colorado/Wyoming
4. Start a dinner club (my parents best friends are 3 couples who they started a dinner club with about 30 years ago and I think it’s the best and has kept their marriage strong)

September 27, 2018 9:42 am

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! What a milestone! ????????????

1. Hens Dancing, by Rafaella Barker
2. Ravenclaw, because I read ALLTHEBOOKS.
3. Alaska – so beautiful and so completely opposite of NC where I grew up and SC where I live now.
4. Our latest bucket list item is a football game day chili taste off with our two best sets of couple friends!

And I am. PowerSheets junkie, so I’d love a 2019 copy!! ????????????

Katie Singletary
September 27, 2018 9:45 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Tim Keller! Such a good book!!
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Gryffindor! At least I’d like to think so anyways! Ha!
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Probably Wine Country in California! Such a beautiful (and tasty!) place!
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list: Hiking a mountain somewhere new with my hubby and friends (and probably make an annual camping trip out of it, too! ????)!
Bonus: Powersheets!! Although they all are amazing prizes! ????????

September 27, 2018 9:45 am

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful accomplishment!
1.) my life is filled with children’s books lately, which makes me so happy. My current favorite is Special Delivery (a stead book), which I borrow from the library too often.
2.) Gryffindor
3.) is it wrong to say the place I call home? Because I’ve never liked anywhere as much as I love Mystic, CT :-)
4.) Master the perfect Sourdough Bread
Bonus: powersheets! :-)

September 27, 2018 9:45 am

“Oprah moment” made me laugh- congratulations on TEN years! I think I’ve been reading for seven or eight!

1. Before We Were Yours – hard to read at times, but so gripping and good.
2. Hufflepuff- we can’t all be in Gryffindor!
3. Kauai, Hawaii
4. Pumpkin carving!

I would love the PowerSheets, Write the Word journal or YNAB!

Kate Delk
September 27, 2018 9:47 am

1. Oh Crap! Potty training book ????
2. I’ve never read Harry Potter!!! Keep meaning to jump on the bandwagon
3. Boston, MA – I adored everything about the city!
4. Go camping with my family (when the kids are a little older)
BONUS: I am a powersheets junkie!! Love them!

September 27, 2018 9:47 am

1. One Beautiful Dream
2. Ravenclaw
3. Hawaii
4. Host a cookie exchange

Victoria B
September 27, 2018 9:55 am

1. Before We Were Yours and The Rosie Project
2. Ravenclaw
3. Alaska
4. Set up a local community park playdate through Nextdoor

September 27, 2018 9:56 am

Cheers to 10 years! Several of my favorite bloggers have celebrated 1-0 this year.

1. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon — Stephen King
2. Hufflepuff
3. Nashville or St. Louis. I love both cities and there is so much to do.
4. Host a holiday in our brand new home!
I would love a Write the Word journal or the book on creating traditions! But giving to charity is so kind of you. I love it!

September 27, 2018 9:57 am

1. In complete agreement with one of your prizes… The Meaning of Marriage! (engaged life, y’all!)

2. Do I lose if I say I’ve never watched or read Harry Potter? (But based on the Buzzfeed quiz I just took, Hufflepuff…)

3. Lexington, KY has my heart (Ft. Worth, TX and Charleston, SC are up there, too!)

4. Grow a huge garden (hopefully next summer when I move to my new husband’s farm!)

Bonus: YNAB! I used the 1 month trial and LOVED it, but ultimately decided I didn’t want to spend the money to pay for the subscription.

September 27, 2018 9:57 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: The Life Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson. I adored this read since hospitality is huge on my heart.

2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Gryffindor!

3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: I thought Balboa Park in San Diego, California was just the coolest location. So many people to see and fun history facts!

4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: Viewing the Gingerbread houses at the Grove Park Inn during Christmas.

I’m already owners of How to Celebrate Everything, & the Write the World journals, so I would LOVE to win the moisturizer! I’ve been very curious about it. :)

September 27, 2018 9:58 am

Happy 10 years! Such an accomplishment!

1: Sisters First by Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Bush
2: I have never read a Harry Potter book or seen the movies!
3: Fargo, ND was an unexpectedly cool city to visit!
4: My son is two, and we’ll be marking “first trick or treat” off our bucket list this year. I’m making his costume (Daniel Tiger) and so excited to share this favorite holiday with him!

Katie B.
September 27, 2018 9:58 am

1. I’ll Be Gone in the Dark
2. Hufflepuff! I visited Platform 9 3/4 in London last fall and was the only Hufflepuff in line, somehow?
3. Vinalhaven, Maine
4. An autumn drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains

Bonus: I’m torn between the GOALS and CELEBRATIONS prizes!

Pulling Em For Marvelous up in my browser is always a reminder that amidst everything bad out there, there are thoughtful, supportive and joyful spaces on the internet. Thank you for ten great years!

September 27, 2018 10:00 am

How fun! And what an exciting milestone. I think I started reading in 2011 while planning my wedding.
1. The best book you’ve read recently: The Alice Network
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: I want to say Griffindor but probably Ravenclaw
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: Zion National Park
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list*: take my kids on one waterfall hike per year (a huge part of both my husband’s and my childhoods that we love to pass on! – so far we’re 3 for 3)
Bonus: Adventure, Celebrations, or Marriage!

Mollie Landers
September 27, 2018 10:00 am

1. The best book you’ve read recently: A Place for Us — it’s so beautifully written, I’ve thought about it for weeks!
2. The Hogwarts house you’d be sorted into: Hufflepuff through and through :)
3. The coolest place you’ve traveled in the United States: A tie between Mt. Rainier and Acadia National Parks (traveled to both this summer!)
4. A low- or no-cost item on your bucket list: Host a holiday open house this year
Bonus: I would love to win Powersheets (this will be my third year) or the Airbnb credit!

Congrats on 10 years and THANK YOU for such a fun, generous giveaway!

September 27, 2018 10:08 am

Congratulations on 10 years! I so enjoy checking back for new posts and appreciate your refreshing content and perspective. Thank you for blessing this corner of the internet!
1. Hello, Sunshine
2. Gryffindor! Running a Harry Potter themed 5K this weekend :)
3. I’ve been fortunate to travel to lots of places but none is as special as Sunset Beach, NC!
4. Learning to french braid, memorizing a week’s worth of recipes that are not from a box, and running any race distance longer than a 5K
*Bonus: Celebrations, Faith, or Generosity!

Kelly Strawberry
September 27, 2018 10:09 am

1. The Sound of Gravel
2. Hufflepuff? I’ve never read Harry Potter, but Hufflepuffs sound silly and I always try to keep things light.
3. I love the carefree vibe of the Florida Keys
4. Learn to shag dance…although I doubt my husband will be on board with this, ha!

All of the prizes sound great! Maybe Generosity, Goals, or Adventure!? Too tough to decide!

September 27, 2018 10:13 am

1. Girl, wash your face by Rachel Hollis
2. Probably Griffindor
3. New year city, my mom took my sister and I for a weekend trip for my sisters 10th birthday. I loved it all!
4. To finish writing the current book I’m working on.

September 27, 2018 10:13 am

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I’ve loved your blog for several years and love your insights and perspective on life.

1. The best book I’ve recently read is Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. This is the author’s debut novel, and she did stellar work creating a complex character. We the audience feel what Eleanor feels, and she manages to integrate sarcasm in a way that translates perfectly. This book will have you laughing out loud and crying at times.
2. I would be in HufflePuff because I value hardworking, helpfulness, loyalty, and fairness. This ties well into being an Enneagram 6 as bonus content, ha!
3. Texas Hill Country, between Austin and San Antonio is the coolest place in the US I have visited. Great hiking, vineyards, cute towns and shops. What more could I want?!
4. My bucket list item is to host a UNC/NC State football party. My hubs and I respectively graduated from each school and so we have friends on both sides of the fence. I want red/blue cupcakes, m&ms

September 27, 2018 10:14 am

1. The Warmth of Other Suns – fascinating look at the great migration of African Americans from out of the South
2. Probably Hufflepuff!
3. Acadia National Park – my family went camping there when I was 10 and it was an amazing vacation that I will remember forever!
4. Start a monthly supper club with friends from different areas of life!
Bonus: Write the Word! I gave a few to family members for Christmas last year, but have never used them myself. Congratulations on 10 years!! I love reading every week and admire your dedication to stick with it when I know life gets busy!

September 27, 2018 10:16 am

1. Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society
2. Gryffindor
3. Big Sur/Monterey Bay
4. Make homemade pizza with college students from our church or my sweet 2 year old!

Hannah Crain
October 1, 2018 8:35 am
Reply to  Hannah Crain

Bonus: I’d say Powersheets (my 4th year!) or How to Celebrate Everything!

September 27, 2018 10:18 am

1. Girl, wash your face by Rachel Hollis
2. Probably Griffindor
3. New York City, my mom took my sister and I for her 10th birthday for the weekend and I loved everything about it.
4. To finish writing my current book I’m working on.

Bonus: I’d love to win the 2019 powersheets! ????❤

September 27, 2018 10:20 am

1. The Royal We
2. Hufflepuff
3. Jekyll Island (close second: Sanibel Island)
4. Touch a truck event (really more for my son but seeing his face light up is always the number one thing on my list)

Bonus: I’d be happy with any (tho I already have Meaning of Marriage) so maybe baby book, power sheets, air bnb or charity?