Natalie and Joe are married!
My sister-in-law is married, and I have a new brother-in-law! Natalie and Joe’s wedding was this weekend, and it was truly marvelous. We had great weather, delicious food, so much good time with family, beautiful New England surroundings… some of my favorite things, and such an emotional high that coming back to real life is a bit difficult!
I mentioned on instagram that the groom’s aunt had pulled us aside in the dancing portion of the evening to tell us we looked like such a happy couple, and to remind us to enjoy each other. First of all, I was so touched by the unexpected kindness and generosity of her going out of her way to encourage us – always a great reminder to me as I go about my days and interact with people who might need encouragement of their own.
Second, her words have really been resonating with me over the last few days. When you find the one you love, don’t forget to enjoy each other. To the best of your ability, don’t hold grudges or get annoyed over little things or get so absorbed in what you’re doing that you ignore the person in front of you (speaking to myself here, mostly). As much as you can, just enjoy the time you’ve been given with him or her.
More photos to come, as the lovely and talented Meredith Perdue was on hand to capture the day’s festivities!
Love that beautiful ceremony setup! I guess the comment wasn’t from a TOTAL stranger.. but it’s so fun talking to new people you’ll probably never run into again. There’s something about it that’s so inspiring and encouraging to me! :)
SO beautiful. One thing that I think really helps Seth and I avoid grudges, resentment, and defensive arguments is that we assume that we are each inherently fallible and therefore responsible in some way for whatever harm we have caused each other. Accepting this is humbling, enables us to be gracious toward each other, and helps us immediately move toward repairing any harms and being more perfect for each other rather than proving that one of us is right.
Yeah: as soon as you absolutely, completely, and inarguably prove that you were right…you lose.
I had the best time with all of you on Sunday. Joe’s aunt was absolutely correct – it’s plain to see that you and John are an incredibly happy couple, and I was tickled with the many opportunities I had to photograph you two together this weekend. Your words are a wonderful and simple reminder that we all need from time to time, and Marget’s advice is something that I know I’ll keep coming back to as well.