Summer to do list

20 June 2012

Happy first day of summer, friends! This new season is really announcing itself, isn’t it? I don’t know about y’all, but it’s forecasted to be in the mid-90s here today! Yeesh!

I make a summer to do list almost every year, but I feel like it’s even more important this year, as wedding craziness (inevitably?) descends. Hopefully these to dos will be a reminder to pick my head up every once in a while, have simple fun with John, and savor the warmest months of the year!

Jen Huang via Snippet & Ink

Special for 2012:
— Take a calligraphy class (whee!)
— Host a picnic
— Bake something with fresh berries or fruit
— Try a gourmet popsicle
— Order from a local food truck
— Have a staycation at our apartment complex :)
— Read three new novels
— Take some sort of dancing lesson with John

Must dos every year:
— Take a walk on River Road in Mystic
— Swim in the Eno
— Watch an outdoor movie at the NC Museum of Art or Koka Booth
— Spend a day at the beach
— Go to a Backporch Music concert at the American Tobacco Campus
— Camp
— Take walks before or after dinner as often as possible
— Watch fireworks

Printing this out and sticking it on my fridge! What’s on your summer to do list?

P.S. Spring 2012 and summer 2011

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June 20, 2012 8:41 am

I have been looking for calligraphy classes here in Charlotte and I can’t find ANY! Are there some where you are?

June 20, 2012 10:11 am

I *love* your list, Emily especially hosting a picnic! So fun!! We’ve been making our summer list too. My favorite is to make homemade ice cream!

June 20, 2012 11:10 am

What a wonderful list! We made ours a few weeks ago and have yet to do any of them. Hearing that you walk along River Road in Mystic every year has me wanting to make the trip down to do the same!

June 21, 2012 2:46 pm

If you mean that you just want fresh fruit or berries as an ingredient, even if they only become a sauce, you should try this recipe: It’s excellent. I’ve tried it as a cake and as cupcakes and it worked perfectly both times.

June 21, 2012 2:49 pm

PS: I know it says frozen in the recipe, but I used fresh.