The 101 in 1001 Book
In case you were intrigued by the photo in my last post, here are a few more details about the book I made to chronicle my 101 in 1001 journey.
The book itself is made by Canson: white, 6 inches by 6 inches, 40 pages, and spiral bound. I bought it for $5 at Michael’s with a coupon.
I laid out the pages, including the cover, in Microsoft Publisher. For each, I made a 5×5 inch box with a thin border and then added the text and lines in different layouts. I printed them out on normal computer paper, cut on the thin black lines, then glued one to each page, front and back. I used only two fonts to keep the design consistent.
If the goal had multiple parts, I included a way to check off or record them (for example, in the above page, I included a line for each classic book I plan to read).
Some pages even have space for a picture. The one above was taken just before I completed #88 – it’s me standing outside her studio (eek!!).
Let me know if you have any more questions!