2025 Goals

9 January 2025

Hello, friends! Happy 2025! Having released the need to have my goals ready to roll on January 1 a few years ago – but fully retained my delight in sharing them with you here – I’m so happy to chat all things goals today. This is a process I find deep joy in. I know it’s not the case for everyone, but the idea of goals being stressful or guilt-ridden is alien to me. I say that not as some sort of strange brag, but just as an acknowledgment that I have been doing this a long time, and that the Cultivate Way is so deeply ingrained in me it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. To me, the goal-setting process is almost all upside: it’s a chance to clarify what matters in the big picture, make decisions based on what I uncover that focus my time and attention right now, and experience joy and satisfaction as I take small steps forward.

Goal setting, for me, also brings joy because it’s about connecting with others. Chatting with you all here, and with friends offline, has always been one of the best parts of goal setting! I’m grateful for our conversations and for your encouragement along the way.

Enough intro – onto the goals!

This year, I’ve organized my pursuits into buckets, loosely titled big goals, small goals, and habits – five of each. I’m also sharing my tech-related goals, though pointing you to The Connected Family for more detail on those. Buckle up, because we’ve got a lot to cover this year – more than usual! I’ve tried to describe each goal in brief below, but rest assured we will be chatting about many of these in more detail as the year goes on.

It also must be said: though I am biased, working on a spread of goals this wide without a system to corral them would be a recipe for overwhelm — but truly, when I have a place to capture ideas and next steps and a formula for pacing myself over the year, even an ambitious slate becomes simple to manage. For me, that system is the PowerSheets goal planner. I wouldn’t want to do a year without mine. We have just one cover left of our 2025 planners, so hurry over and get yours if that sounds good to you!

Without further ado…

Big goals

I’m calling these “big goals” because they will require planning and effort over many months. So original :)

1. Achieve a VO2 max of at least 38. I have a complicated relationship with my Apple watch. One unequivocal positive: discovering that it considered my V02 max (or “cardio fitness,” as Apple calls it) below-average. This was insulting enough to me that I’ve decided to do something about it. V02 is one of the best predictors of longevity, and I want to be around to enjoy this beautiful life as long as possible (and capable of enjoying it to the full).

My initial plan of action is to run once a week, and since I got a head start on this in late December I already have three outings under my belt. I would NOT consider myself a runner and haven’t run in years, but am so far finding it surprisingly enjoyable. My current V02 max is 29.9 (don’t laugh!).

2. Plan and enjoy our 20th high school reunion. John and I are celebrating a big milestone this year, and while it doesn’t appear our class as a whole is planning anything to mark the occasion, we have a dear group of ten high school friends spread around the country and are taking matters into our own hands :) As of this week we’ve confirmed a date – we’ll be gathering in Connecticut in June! – and I am so excited to start planning our itinerary.

3. Refresh our master bathroom. This is a big project, and while I have some hesitations about launching into it while still actively searching for a new home (though in an extremely picky way, ha), I am excited. Our kitchen refresh is only two years old, and while I’d be sad to walk away from it, I already feel like I’ve gotten so much enjoyment out of it. Even if we only get to enjoy 1-2 years in this refreshed space, I imagine we’d feel the same.

4. Launch the TCF audio course. A continuation of last year’s big goal, with not a ton of progress to show for it 🙃 Still to do: finish writing the course, record it, edit it, set up a sales platform, and launch it.

5. Celebrate “The Year of Dating.” Along with our 20th high school reunion, 2025 marks 20 years of relationship with John. Since I hope to have AT LEAST 60 years together, that means we are perhaps at the 1/3 mark, and I love the idea of digging in and putting our best foot forward as we move into our next 20 years of loving each other well. I don’t know exactly what this goal will look like yet – so far, to me, it does not necessarily mean more dates, but more reaching back to the mindset of dating (so far as this is possible in a midlife relationship with three children!).

Small Goals

These goals are, uh, smaller in scope and effort :) Most can be accomplished in a single month, or represent a one-time action or decision.

1. Complete June and Shep’s baby books. Our kids’ baby books span ages 0-5, so June and Shep have now officially outlived their books’ age ranges. Though they are mostly empty, I have all of the notes and data I need to fill them out, so this task simply involves transferring it into the books and printing out photos to include. It will feel great to have these squared away and I could do it in two afternoons if I just put it on the calendar.

2. Transition Annie’s room to a big-kid room. Annie is still in her crib (youngest child…), but her days in it are numbered. As she graduates from the crib, I want to thoughtfully balance making her space work for her as she grows and also retain its usefulness as a guest room. I’m considering adding a wall of built-in bookshelves as part of this process… we shall see!

3. Host a potluck party. I already have plans in the works to host another book swap party (and I can’t wait!), but long-time readers may remember that I’ve also had a wild hair to host a potluck party since 2020 (!). This is the year, perhaps in September.

4. Visit a PCP and complete bloodwork. It has been… many years… since I’ve visited a PCP. (Blame the cover of frequent visits to an OB in the last decade of pregnancy and birth!) This is a no-brainer and something I simply have to take action to get scheduled. (But it’s been on my radar since Annie was born and I haven’t taken action, so it’s going on the goals list this year!)

5. Buy an original piece of art. I wandered into a little art gallery in Boothbay Harbor while we were in Maine last year, and it was a revelation: there were so many pieces I loved, many already framed, at such reasonable prices! So much of the art I see online from the “trendy online artists” feels pricy to me, but I love the idea of adding a few small paintings connected to meaningful places in pockets around our home. One of my most prized possessions is a 5×7 painting of a Maine scene I inherited from my grandmother. More of that!


New things I want to do regularly!

1. Practice the piano regularly. In the interest of balancing my own creation vs. consumption scale, I’d like to continue practicing piano a few days each week. As we’ve listened to June play and helped her with pieces here and there, John and I have both rediscovered a love of the keys. This is not surprising: after laboring over screens and work-for-pay during the day, the analog act of creating beauty from nothing but our hearts and minds is potent to these two grown-ups! I’m aiming for 20 minutes four times a week, just like my daughter.

2. Keep a scripture memory ring on the table. Our family memorized several pieces of scripture last year (including Psalm 23!). I love storing up the Bible’s wisdom and encouragement in my heart, and the kids seemed to enjoy it, too. To make it easy to continue, I think we’ll choose a selection each month or so and keep them on a ring of index cards that lives on the kitchen table. Not only will it be simple to pick up a card and read from it in the process of memorizing, but having all the verses close at hand will help us retain them over time, too.

3. Clean out my phone screenshots day by day. A few years ago I embarked on an expansive photo clean-up, and it was a grand success: I established a back-up system for my phone photos, I organized all of my existing digital photos by year, month, and event, and I cleared off my phone photo library entirely.

That was in 2020, and while the back-up system is still in place (praise), I have not kept up with organizing my photos in the years since, nor with clearing off my phone.

For this habit, I’m focusing on just the screenshots. I know there are gems in there — recipes, playlists, book recommendations! — and I’d like to move them somewhere they’ll be useful to me. So, each day of the year, I’ll sort through and take action on just that day’s screenshots from every year that has some. For example, on January 1, I might view and take action on screenshots from January 1 of 2020, 2021, and 2024. Just a few days in, it’s already been a productive delight.

4. Reflect the heart of the Father for the fatherless. Sounds grand, will likely be somewhat straightforward in execution. We have friends and neighbors who recently moved a few towns over, into a larger home, so that they have the space to foster. Caring for the widow and orphan is something that is clearly so important to Jesus, and I want to honor that. For the duration of their placements, I’ve promised my friend I’ll bring a meal and a box of diapers (if needed!) to her door once a month.

5. Read the Bible daily. John and I completed The Bible Recap’s chronological plan last year and I really loved it. In fact, I might be a bit in withdrawal :) On the other side, I am so grateful that I not only have a deeper knowledge of scripture and a wider understanding of its metanarrative, but I truly do have a greater hunger for God’s Word and an eagerness to learn more.

We’re resting from a chronological plan this year and plan to dive deeper into books of the Bible. (We’re a week into this plan but it’s not quite what we thought it would be, so may pivot!)

Tech Goals

Last week, I shared six tech-related goals on The Connected Family. I covered two of them in the habits section above, and here are the others:

1. Better understand our school-issued Chrome book.

2. Encourage June to bike to a friend’s home.

3. Work toward a district-wide bell-to-bell school phone ban.

4. Achieve active Wait Until 8th pledges in both our children’s grades.

You can read more about each of those on The Connected Family (no paywall!).

Thank you, friends. Sharing my goals here, year after year and month after month, is quite possibly the most potent factor in any progress I’ve made, so thank you, as always, for being kind, listening ears! :)

On that note, I’ll be back with my January goals post and my 2025 book list over the next few weeks. Please feel free to join in on anything I’ve written here, or let me know if there’s one of my goals that you’d love to hear more about as the year goes on! OR, tell me what YOU have planned for 2025! Have you set goals yet? I’d love to cheer you on.

P.S. It feels too fresh to make an official goal, but the kids got some watercolor supplies for Christmas and I’ve been having so much fun experimenting with them! We’ll see how it goes, but I may add a mini goal to watercolor the postcards I send to June while she’s at camp this year :)

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January 9, 2025 6:52 am

LOVE the buying art goal! The AC ladies that went on the Oakwood Candlelight tour all became enchanted with buying art after the tour and now have a chat about it. And in that spirit, I bought my first original art last week! A small painting of an area near where Omar and I went to college :)

I’ve heard conflicting reports about how accurate the VO2 Max is on the Apple Watch so I’m very curious in your journey with that one!

January 14, 2025 9:42 am
Reply to  Em

Ha! It started as coordinating for the candlelight event but has evolved into discussing art! So sounds like yes ;)

January 9, 2025 10:27 am

I am with Chelsey! I absolutely love this goal! It’s similar to how I feel about unique pieces of pottery that have a story to tell. And how meaningful to know that you are not only supporting a local artist, but adding pieces to your home that remind you of special people and places!
And the VO2 Max thing…I have to say that once I stopped running my VO2 Max dropped significantly even though I was still cycling regularly. Cycling simply does not raise my heart rate as high as running did, but my joints are so much happier cycling than running, alas.

January 9, 2025 2:14 pm

Wow I also have a watercolor card desire? Aim? Thing I want to do? I got out of the habit of setting yearly goals for my personal life. I don’t know when it happened but it started to feel too much like work with all the KPIs and metrics I have to pay attention to for my job! hahaha But yes, one thing I want to do more of is watercolor :) We’re also house hunting (month number 8!), so good luck to you!

January 9, 2025 6:09 pm

Unsolicited running advice: Nike Run Club (specifically, any guided run by Coach Bennett) is the best! Having encouragement pumped into your ears while you run is awesome, and it floats overtop of your music! I share this goal, and Coach Bennett was a big part of my learning to love running this year.

January 9, 2025 9:47 pm

If on your trips to the mountains you ever find yourself near Sparta, NC, I highly recommend the Allegheny Arts Council for original art! So many beautiful pieces and all very reasonably priced, and the perfect size for a fun addition to a wall or nook!

January 10, 2025 3:33 am

Love reading your goals every year.
I have been loosely following the Gretchen Rubin ‘Happiness Trifecta’ for annual goals, then breaking them down month by month for the last few years and it works really well. I also split into standalone goals then monthly, weekly, daily habits which I record to ensure I really am moving towards the life I want.
The Trifecta involves a word of the year and this year’s is ENOUGH, which has so many meanings. Enjoying what we have without accumulating more, working on my own sense of self-worth and also enough of certain people or habits that are not serving me.
One thing I felt I had had enough of was social media consumption and your recommendation of the Brick has been super in helping with this!

Kelly Strawberry
January 10, 2025 10:31 am

Excited to see how your dating goal transpires! As someone also approaching the 20 year relationship mark, young kids, busy jobs… I need all of your creativity and advice! Love your goal to help the fostering family, what a gift to be a blessing.

January 10, 2025 3:02 pm

Great goals list! Since you liked the year long bible recap study, you may like the format of Bible Study Fellowship. It’s an amazing 30 week study that is coordinated by the international organization with the same name. I am also working on the number three and four goals under your tech section. We are committed to our local public school district and I liked reading about this plan from a small community nearby. https://www.ky3.com/2025/01/08/fair-grove-school-district-changes-cell-phone-policy/

January 13, 2025 8:20 am

I love your art goal. Suggestion: you may find something you’re looking for at a nonprofit art gallery! I have found the most lovely local nonprofit near me that offers classes and then has a gallery where people who take and teach the classes can sell their work. They offer such a reasonable price point, some of the work is truly incredible, and then what I spend goes back to supporting arts education!

I’m doing the Bible Recap this year for the first time. So far, I’m really enjoying it. Do you have any tips or lessons learned or encouragement for someone who is only 2 weeks in? If so, I’d love to hear it.

Ps: you inspired our Yoto Mini purchases for two of our kiddos this year for Christmas. WOW, these have been such a JOY and a WIN for our house! Thanks for the wonderful review and information about it both here and on TCF.

January 14, 2025 5:59 am

Collecting original art has been one of my favorite ways to mark a trip or something special. I did my first commissioned art of my dog recently and it was surprisingly affordable! I love to get a piece of art on trips, or dip into a secondhand store to find something unique. If I don’t get art sometimes I will find a nice piece of jewelry that feels like art too.

What baby book do you use? I love the idea of a 0-5 book and may join you catching up on my own kids!

Lastly, as a former foster mom, I love your #4 goal. 💗Those meals and little kindnesses go SUCH a long way.

January 19, 2025 11:46 pm

I also have “below average” vo2 max and started running with my 9 year old. We’re running a 5k this spring together. My goal is to finish ;) I have another month of training on you but in November I was around 29 and now am at 32! I don’t love running but it’s a relatively quick and effective workout. Plus it’s free and a way to connect with my son! Good luck! I did a double take reading your goal because I was surprised someone else was in the same boat as me!

January 29, 2025 2:10 pm

I love all of this! Do you make any goals for your kids? Like things you want to teach them for the year or milestones you would like them to hit?
I have more of a lighter year of goals this year as I feel like everything is harder to do with a baby. But I turn 40 this year so I’m trying to feel “Fit for 40,” which mostly involves better sleep habits and consistent movement. I’m also planning on hosting a pi day party! I have hosted a few in years past but not since we moved.