7 August 2018

Friends, this is our sweet John Shepherd! He arrived one week ago today, on Tuesday, July 31 at 12:06pm. He was a bit longer and skinnier than June, measuring 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 inches long. We will call him Shepherd or Shep :)
Our prayer throughout this pregnancy was for a healthy delivery, a healthy baby, and a healthy mama. We graciously received all three, and have been delighted by God’s goodness to us in all things since then. Shep is a dream, June has been the best big sister and most patient girl, and John — well, as always, he makes it all possible and everything more fun. I can’t wait to share more, especially about his name – hopefully later this week!
Thank you, as always, for all of your love, friends! We love you!
1 August 2018
I’m writing this post a few days early, because, friends, we will almost certainly have a new baby in our family by the time you read this! Holy moly! I look forward to introducing you all soon, after we’ve had a chance to get acquainted ourselves :) In the meantime, here’s what we have planned for month one with our newest addition, and a few things I’m loving right now!

On my calendar this month:
— Welcoming our new baby!! And that’s about it :)
What I’m loving right now:
— This peach and blackberry crumble is PERFECT for the heat of summer – one of my favorite desserts! We like to make it in an 8×8 pan and top it with vanilla bean ice cream.
— I enjoyed this article in the NY Times about JOMO, and thought their suggestions were more practical than most. I’ll be interested to see if the tech companies follow through on their recent promises!
— I’m not a big fan of most current TV shows, but Netflix’s Puffin Rock is a HUGE exception. It is the sweetest, most gentle and beautiful little gem of a show about an Irish puffling and her friends. Thankfully, it is June’s favorite, too! Highly recommended!
What I read in July:
— Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: While this book was not bad, I’d definitely recommend the original L&L — it’s more comprehensive, written better, and easily applicable to earlier years
— On Becoming Babywise: Skimmed through this for a review!
Revisiting my goals for July:
Actually get the basics ready for a new baby: buy newborn diapers, pack a hospital bag, install car seat base, get out the Rock and Play, set up the changing pad…
Make progress on nursery: have room painted, replace light fixture, plan curtains with Aunt Nan, buy crib, finish framing art, choose pillow shams for bed…
Finish organizing baby boy clothing
Edit June in June, Volume 3! (Moving to August!)
Take an evening neighborhood walk any day we’re home and the weather is good (We did such a good job with this!)
Finish all outstanding areas on my 2018 Great House Declutter list
Plan newborn photos (Graham is taking them again and I am so grateful!!)
August goals:
— Edit June in June, Volume 3 (I finally chose the song, which is often the hardest part!)
— Newborn photo session with Graham
— Replace fan in nursery (we bought this one and need to install it!)
— Hang art in nursery
— Cull and edit all 2018 iPhone photos
— Family worship, especially in weeks we can’t get to church
— Daily walks, as the weather allows
— Decide on format for monthly baby photos
— Watch About Time again :)
If you have goals for the month (or something you’re loving right now!), I’d love to hear in the comments!
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