12 July 2013
To wrap up our week of adventures, I thought I’d post some pictures from the spring camping trip we took with some of our bestest friends. Said friends happen to all be professional photographers, so John and I figured it was safe to leave our camera at home :)
We camped at Hanging Rock State Park in Danbury (about two hours from the Triangle), and I can’t recommend it highly enough for a “soft” trip – i.e. if you’re not into the idea of carrying everything you need for the night into the woods. Hanging Rock was wild enough that we felt like we were off the beaten path and beautiful enough to encourage us to hike up steep hills, but civilized enough so that we ate well, could concentrate on enjoying each other’s company, and didn’t have to pee in the woods :)
A few photos, courtesy of Nancy Ray! (And P.S., you can read her blog post here!)

Yep, we brought peonies. That’s how this group rolls.

Fun with friends! Nothing better. If you’re interested in Hanging Rock, John’s also written about it on his blog here!
P.S. By far the most exciting part of our trip was Sam and Graham telling us they are expecting!! December is going to be an exciting month!
10 July 2013
Though it’s been more than a month since I got home from Engage, I’m not going to let the time lapsed stop me from writing about it. Because the Gala on the last night? It was truly a once-in-a-lifetme experience.

Start with a particular point in history when, between Downton Abbey and the Great Gatsby movie, 20’s style has never been more in vogue.

Add in the majestic Biltmore Estate, the largest privately owned house in America. Make sure it has a stupendous view.

Choose a picture-perfect summer day.

Invite a crowd that reinvents the idea of a costume party. Fringe and sequins and feathers, oh my!

Serve the most delicious food, arrange for stunning decor, bring in pitch-perfect period jazz music.

And a fire breather, just for good measure. Yes, seriously.

Now add in one gal who adores Downton Abbey, whose second favorite book of all time is The Great Gatsby, and who leaps at any excuse to dress up.

There. That is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Quite literally, almost: I had the chance to chat with one of the gals who works in the Biltmore catering office, and she said that they usually only do two events per year on the South Lawn — and that she had never seen anything like this one. Until time travel is possible, I think this is the closest I will ever come to experiencing another era, and I am just tickled that I got to do so.

Hope you enjoyed the peek!
All photos by Allan Zepeda, Jeremie Barlow, and Carla Ten Eyck & Andrew Henderson except second and group photo near bottom
8 July 2013
John and I just got back from our first big trip of the summer – a week in Northern Michigan!

His family shares a cottage on the shore of a small lake near Lake Michigan. The accommodations are rustic, but that’s okay, because the surroundings are spectacular.

We didn’t spend much time inside at all, actually. The beautiful weather turned this past week into one of my most active in the last few years: we biked, hiked, climbed dunes, jumped off dunes, ran down dunes, waterskiied, knee boarded, kayaked, played tennis, swam… my muscles were feeling it by the end of the week!!

We did make time to visit a few favorites: Cherry Republic (they carry their theme to perfection!), the Sleeping Bear Dunes, Frankfort, Inspiration Point, and Riverside, among others.

We also had a campfire (and s’mores!) every night, and saw some jaw-dropping sunsets while doing so. One night, we even saw a smoldering sunset in one direction, and a double rainbow in the other! Amazing!

I hope y’all had an amazing Fourth of July!
4 July 2013

Martha Stewart
Happy Fourth, friends! Of all the things I find marvelous in life, this great country of ours has to be near the very top. I am so grateful to have been born in America; for the incredible history of this country and the people who’ve shaped it into what it is today; and for all the freedoms I enjoy as a U.S. citizen. One of the very first purchases John and I made for our house was an American flag; we’ve flown it proudly every day since.
Today John and I are enjoying hot dogs, lemonade, waterskiing, fireworks, lots of family time, and s’mores — I hope y’all have the day free to enjoy your own version of bliss! :)