30 January 2012
Hi friends! I wanted to update you on my wedding shoe situation, since I think an update is only fair when I ask for your opinion! As you may recall, I presented you with eight options a few weeks back. Interestingly, opinion was quite split, and there wasn’t a clear favorite. Here’s a little graph for illustration:

Yes, I am a dork.
Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6 were the favorites, with no. 2 coming out just a tiny bit ahead. In my mind, though, no. 1, the Nina “Paladin” in white luster satin, was the clear winner. I loved the ladylike bow, the heel was the perfect height, and, though some advocated for more colorful options (which I completely understand!), the white was the right choice for me in the end.
So, my mind made up, I happily headed to the Nina site to make my purchase. But oh no! They were out of my size in every color! Great sadness ensued as I searched for them on every site I could think of (Endless, Zappos, eBay, etc.) to no avail.
I left the matter for a few more days, and when I returned to check the Nina site, the “Paladin” listing was gone completely! Desperate, I decided to tweet my predicament. Lo and behold, a very helpful gal responded, directing me toward 6pm.com as well as the Nina “Brynn,” available at Nordstrom.
I had never heard of 6pm.com before, but it turns out they’re an online retailer offering discount and clearance shoes. And, my goodness, there they were: the Nina “Paladin” in my size, in white luster satin. AND, they were not $89 (the original price), they were not $58 (the clearance price on the Nina site), they were $37!! You can bet those babies were in my cart before I could say boo. I also ordered the “Brynn” just to be sure.
A few days later both pairs arrived (both with free shipping to boot!), and they were even lovelier in person. Here’s the “Brynn”:

And here’s the “Paladin”:

Though the “Brynn” was lovely, the “Paladin” was the clear winner. The heel height (2.5 inches) is just right, and the cushioned soles are oh-so-comfortable. I was also able to compare them to a swatch of my dress, and they’re a perfect match. Love!
Chalk one up to a wedding success story!
27 January 2012
Yep, still thinking about it (first post here, in case you missed it). It was so gratifying to read all of your sweet comments about how you, too, think it’s important to plan out the morning of your wedding and not just let it slip haphazardly away. In fact, just typing out that sentence gives me hives — the LAST thing I want happening on that day is to not realize how late it’s getting, and be forced to rush around getting ready at the last minute. Not that that would be likely to happen, but still.
Anyway, I’m happy to say that we’ve decided where we’re going to be getting ready that morning: the Steamboat Inn! Here’s a little pic of the front:

Photo by wheelmaker via flickr
You actually approach from the back, but as my grandmother says, no one has waterback property :)
Anyway, first, though, let me say that it might seem strange that I’m getting ready anywhere other than my childhood home, which is just as close to our ceremony venue as the Steamboat. Getting ready at home would certainly save us money. However, as we’ve already discussed, a calm wedding morning environment is very important to me. It sets the tone for the day, and I want the tone to be calm, loving, and joyful. I do not want anyone racing around picking up a house that, quite honestly, will probably be cluttered from a week of wedding preparations — not me, not my Mom, not my sisters, not my bridesmaids. I want a neutral environment in which we can all relax. I also want to give Tanja a lovely, simple background in which to shoot. Here’s a shot of the suite we’ve booked — isn’t it pretty?

All that being said, I think my parents were a little sad when I talked about booking the room, since they had assumed my last night as a single lady would be spent in my childhood home. Of course, this instantly made me all sentimental. I also didn’t like the idea of splitting up the family that night, either — we’re all incredibly close, and it would feel kind of wrong to spend the night by myself, or with just my sisters, or with just my Mom and sisters. So, as silly as it sounds, we might leave the room empty on Friday night (it’s a two-night minimum stay), sleep at home, and arrive to get ready around 9am or so. Silly it might sound, but it just might be the right decision for this gal and her family.
Anyway, the Steamboat is lovely, with just eleven beautifully furnished rooms. I chose our room specifically because it’s the largest, has furnishings that coordinate well with our wedding colors (what?? Please don’t tell me I’m the only one that’s thought about something like that…), and has a little sitting room for extra lounging comfort. I do wish it had a tad more natural light, but there’s still a good amount.
And oh yes, one more benefit of the Steamboat is that it is very close to the spot I’m hoping to take pre-ceremony photos… but THAT is a post unto itself! In the meantime, what do you think about all this?
26 January 2012
One of the prettiest things I’ve seen in the wedding fashion world lately is gowns with netted sleeves. I first saw them when I tried on dresses in Charleston. I tried on the “Emmeline” by Vera Wang, and oh goodness, it is a gorgeous dress. I could not get enough of the sleeves — I had never seen anything like them. I totally would have bought that dress… except that the top was a little too corset-y for me, and the price tag was a little too rich (to the tune of about $6,500… ouch).
A few weeks back I saw a real bride wearing the Emmeline for the first time, and it looked stunning on her!

Photos by Carl Zoch via Style Me Pretty
For those who likewise love the look but can’t afford the price tag, may I suggest Jim Hjelm’s 5102? It’s a bridesmaid dress, but available in ivory. I think this would be gorgeous for bridesmaids in a darker color, and it would also make a perfect “reception dress,” if you were so inclined.

As for me, I will be wearing my wedding gown for as long as possible… perhaps even to the brunch on Sunday? One can get away with lots if one is the bride :)
25 January 2012
Today is the 25th, which means it’s time for an official wedding planning update! (If you’re curious why I post planning updates on the 25th, it’s because we got engaged on June 25, and I published the first planning update with one month under my belt (on July 25th). I suppose it’s become a habit!) I skipped a few months over the holidays, so I have much to report with 7+ months to go!

Photo by Leah McCormick via Snippet & Ink
Since my last update…
— I purchased a wedding gown!
— I went bridesmaid dress shopping (and we are close to deciding!).
— I bought my dream wedding shoes! (Thank you again for your help – I’ll be posting an update on Monday!)
— We confirmed all seven members of our bridal party (yep, we’ll be uneven!).
— We asked two dear friends to do readings at our ceremony.
— I booked a hair and makeup artist and I’ve thought about the wedding morning (still working on my playlist!).
— We booked an invitation designer.
— I started my first DIY project! (Hint: it involves ribbon)
— We finished our wedding website.
— I’m pretty sure we’ve collected all the silver we need for our floral arrangements.
— We assembled, addressed, and mailed our save the dates.
— We booked a suite for the wedding weekend.
— We reserved our tent and placed a preliminary linen order.
— We booked a videographer (!!!).
Next up on the list?
— I hope to confirm our preliminary rental and lounge furniture order and put down a deposit.
— We are this close to booking a band! Seriously, I know I’ve been saying that for months, but this time, we really are.
— We’re also hoping to confirm our ceremony musicians in the next month or so.
— I’d like to buy John’s tux, and hopefully outfit the groomsmen at the same time.
Much more about all this goodness soon! Anything you’re particularly curious to hear about? I’d be happy to start with your suggestions (unless, of course, you say my dress – that one’s off limits!).