101 in 1001: March 2011

1 March 2011

It’s almost spring! Definitely a great time to dust off your 101 list and knock out a few goals :)

At the beginning of every month, I plan to write a short post covering what I accomplished in the previous month and what I hope to accomplish in the next one. I’ll also introduce you to one of my 101 in 1001 buddies (see them all in the sidebar!). Here we go!

February 2010:
3/101 goals complete, 15/101 goals in progress

Did I complete…
No. 77 (Design and print address labels for P&P packaging)? Yes! Post coming soon!
No. 24 (Buy that chair I really want at the flea market and refinish it)? Still undecided about what I want to do about my chair… for now, I’m pretty happy with it as is!

Did I begin…
No. 50 (Go to church when traveling)? Yes! We visited First United Methodist Church Waynesville while we were in Western North Carolina. I’ve started a flickr set with a photo of each church we visit — go see it here!
No. 60 (Put together a portfolio of projects I’ve worked on — both personal and professional)? I stopped and started a few times, but never got up any steam. This one will have to wait.
No. 62 (Read biographies of five people I admire)? Yes! In honor of Presidents’ Day, I read His Excellency by Joseph Ellis, a wonderful biography of George Washington. Highly recommended!

I was able to keep up with all of my monthly commitments (nos. 5, 7, 16, and 48).

March 2010: 5/101 goals complete, 19/101 goals in progress

Plan to complete:
— No. 8 (Leave a lovely sticky note on a stranger’s windshield)
— No. 19 (Buy or install new shelving for books)
— No. 91 (Learn to French braid my hair)
— No. 92 (Learn to French braid the hair of others)

Plan to begin:
— No. 11 (Cultivate five habits to make my life more green)
— No. 33 (Eat vegetarian or three separate weeks — do not have to be consecutive)

March Spotlight: Becky of Becky Blogs

Becky is doing a fabulous job of updating us all as she works on goals! (I also love that she doesn’t necessarily wait until a goal is complete to talk about it!) My five favorite goals from her list:

— No. 15: Get a National Park pass
— No. 39: Go sailing
— No. 46: Learn how to change a tire and actually do it (I remember feeling SO accomplished when I learned how to do this… and then I promptly got two flat tires in two weeks. At least I knew how to take care of them!)
— No. 55: Learn to locate five constellations and the myths behind them
— No. 77: Do awesome, creative wrapping for ten presents

You can see the details on all of my goals right here. Here’s to a great month!

First photo via Mary Ruffle, second photo from Anthropologie

Happy birthday to me!

28 February 2011

Today is my birthday! We did cake (and cake balls!) this weekend with my family, so I could absolutely go for some birthday pancakes this evening. Or pasta. Or maybe just a viewing of The Bachelor :)

I’ll be back tomorrow with my March goals!

Photo by Our Labor of Love, styling by Ashley Meaders

Maine Squeeze: Rehearsal and wiffle ball!

24 February 2011

I made it seem like something disastrous was imminent in my last Maine Squeeze post, but really, nothing big was to go wrong for the rest of the weekend :)

Friday dawned as beautiful as the days that had preceded it — gorgeous blue sky, clear air, and warm temps. Exactly the kind of day that makes you want to hold your wedding in Maine in August.

Everyone was up and about early, both to get a jump on the last few tasks and out of pure excitement. John and my Dad took the boat over to the mainland to drive around town hammering in the last few directional signs and cut a few bunches of white hydrangeas from my grandmother’s front garden. (We hadn’t planned to have any floral elements in the centerpieces, but when the opportunity presented itself, we couldn’t resist!). The result of their hard work:

You’ll be seeing more of those soon! The girls stayed behind doing very important things:

When the gentlemen returned from their early morning errands, grandma took care of clipping the hydrangeas.

Soon after, it was time to meet the 10:30 ferry, which Jenna was scheduled to arrive on! We were so excited and nervous to meet this talented photographer and blogger who we felt like we knew but had never actually met. We needn’t have been nervous, though — as soon as Jenna stepped off the ferry, there were hugs all around!

We wanted to take her on a quick walking tour of the Island, since she would be largely on her own the next morning. Since the Island is only about a mile long by a half a mile wide (and some of that length and width is rocky coastline and doesn’t even really count!), we were able to do so fairly quickly. We got a quick peek at the tent and freshly mown grass at West Shore…

…and then it was time for the rehearsal! We gathered in the field and Sarah, the pastor, ran through the ceremony. Quick tip for those of you running your own rehearsals: start with everyone where they’ll be during the ceremony (i.e. bride and groom in the center, bridal party on either side), then practice the recessional, and then practice the processional. That way, you’ll know exactly how everyone should be lined up in the back to get everyone in the right position in the front!

Yes, the binder was out in full effect. :) The rehearsal went smoothly, and afterward, we had just enough time to wolf down lunch before guests began arriving for the first official event of the wedding weekend: wiffle ball!

We had about 30 guests to transport from the mainland to the Island, so my uncles took turns ferrying guests in their boats. The ferry was also running. Everyone eventually trickled on to the playing field, but not before passing things as lovely as these totally-not-planned-but-totally-color-coordinated pot buoys on their way up the hill!

Our players ranged in age from 5 to 65 years old, and I think everyone ended up having a good time! That’s not to say that competition wasn’t fierce, because it most certainly was. In fact, I distinctly remember my Dad and uncle rolling in the grass over a fly ball/stealing third base situation at one point…

Me? Fierce? Not so much:

In fact, I probably should have stuck with the onlookers…

No surprise, then, when my team didn’t win. But we were all good sports!

We were also officially hot and sweaty, which meant it was time for our next activity: wharf jumping!

Sign, buoy, and wiffle ball photos by the lovely and talented Jenna Cole; all other personal.

It begins
More preparations
We raise the tent