26 May 2011

I probably do not need another swimsuit (especially since I currently live disconcertingly far from the seashore), but these two blue and white seersucker numbers caught my eye. Isn’t that bow adorable?! What do you think — would it be too overwhelming in person, or just right?
Top suit from Aerie (top, $20, bottom, $15 — also in red and white). Bottom suit from amourouse on Etsy ($55, made to order).
25 May 2011

I love this bathroom! The beaded board on the walls, the beautiful flooring, the medicine cabinets, the light fixture (which you can pick up here), and most especially the pedestal sink. I know some people prefer cabinets for their storage, but in my opinion, nothing can beat the charm of a pedestal. Plus, when you have a delightful wire basket (like mine!) to store extra towels, who needs cabinet storage? :)
Image by Emily Gilbert from RUE Magazine’s fifth issue. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I would highly recommend! I particularly liked the story this photo came from, “Farmstead Restoration.” It starts on page 84!
P.S. On Saturday, I painted the first room in our apartment! Just primer so far, but color is soon to follow. Longer update soon!
23 May 2011
Time for a garden update! When last you saw our apartment garden, we had seedlings in the shower and empty pots outside. I’m happy to say that everyone has now transitioned outside, and is enjoying the North Carolina sun!
Not all of the seedlings made it, however. Basil, jalapeno, dahlia, and poblano were grown from seed and doing great.

Lettuce and cilantro were sown outside and are also doing great.

We caved and bought already-started plants at Lowes for bell pepper and mint, but I don’t regret it! We’ve used mint in many dishes already, and we figure buying the bell pepper gives us a better chance at a real harvest (compensating in part for the fact that it doesn’t get as much sun as it would like on our balcony).

If you have a garden, how is it doing? Harvested anything yet?
20 May 2011
As promised, a few more details from the reception!
We had croquet, ladder golf, and cornhole set out for guests to play with, and play with them guests did! My family is pretty much obsessed with croquet, so this did not surprise me.

Guests also took advantage of the “photo swing,” a last-minute project I wrote about here.

The lawn blankets were used, too — in fact, I’m 99% sure at least one guest took a short nap during the reception.

The favor/guest book combo was all Kate’s idea. She cut circles out of navy blue cardstock and handstamped each one with a guest’s name. We set up a table at the reception, laid out all the cards, then placed a pot on each. The pots were the favor — they were filled with seedlings and little bags of dirt. Once a guest removed his or her favor, he or she used the pre-name-stamped circle to write a note for the guest book. Brilliant!

Let’s see… next I think I’ll talk about general decor, and then it’s on to toasts, cake, and the sunset cruise!
All photos by the super talented and lovely Jenna Cole and Meredith of & Unlimited.
We arrive
We prepare
We raise the tent
We rehearse and play wiffle ball
We jump off the wharf
We eat lobster
We wake up very early, and the gents get dressed
The girls get ready
They make their vows
Lemonade and cookies
We eat