101 in 1001: Favorites!

15 October 2010

You’ve got the full recap, now it’s time to share a few of my favorites!

3. Read the entire Bible. Though I didn’t get through the whole thing, I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read so far. I feel like I have a more complete understanding of my faith — and, as a bonus, I’m able to answer more questions on Jeopardy!

8. Pay the toll/bill/tip for someone behind me. J and I did this this past April, and it was so awesome! I was really nervous ahead of time, because I thought the Dunkin’ Donuts clerk was going to think I was crazy, but she was just almost as excited about it as we were, and didn’t bat an eyelash when we made the request! This is one you can (and should!) try at home, folks.

10. Send one handwritten letter a month for 6 months. What can I say? Now I have a new penpal, and a use for all my accumulated pretty paper things. Hi, Molly!

27. Read 12 classics I’ve never read before. I will admit, sometimes this one felt a bit like drudgery, but I’m so glad I persevered. Here are the books I read (and yes, I’m aware not all of them are “classics” as some would definite it!):

32. Read all of Emily Post’s Etiquette. Yes, I am a nerd. Yes, I am thrilled I can now say I’ve literally read the book on etiquette.

35. Take a cooking or cake decorating course. I learned to frost and decorate a cake at Sugarland for a photo shoot, and it was so fun! Here I am in action:

Nancy Ray Photography

72. Graduate in May 2009. Scary at the time, but I was definitely ready.

74. Eat ten dishes/foods I’ve never tried before. J likes to yap about how I have a very narrow palette (I beg to disagree), but it’s always good to, as my Dad would say, “broaden your horizons.”

82. Go riding at the farm with family. We used to ride all the time when I was younger, and I loved taking a trail ride again with my Dad, sister, and aunt. My legs did hurt the next day, though…

88. See the Martha Stewart Show live. Ahhhh!!! Martha geek freak-out! Anyone who knows me knows this is about the most exciting think that could have happened to me. A-list movie stars? No, thank you, I’ll take Martha any day. Here I am outside the studio (do I look excited?!):

89. Be a bridesmaid or maid of honor. Lucky me — I was a bridesmaid not once but twice! I have to say, this might have been my happiest goal to complete. I was thrilled to help both Katharine and Kate plan their weddings, and to stand beside each of them on their big day. Couldn’t have been more different; couldn’t have been more awesome. Here are my two lovely ladies and their studly men:

Jenna Cole

A Bryan Photo

92. Go to a hot air balloon festival or on a hot air balloon ride. Another photo shoot lead to an up close and personal encounter with a hot air balloon! It was amazing to watch it inflate and then float off the ground. Just beautiful.

Jose Villa

93. Adopt either a cat or dog. We were lucky enough to adopt two tuxedo kitties last November. They are adorable and we love love love them. Jack and Oliver, meet the blog:

Oops, looks like they’re sleeping! (Per usual.)

Which leads me to goal no. 101: begin another 101 in 1001 list. I couldn’t have been more happy with this experience, and I’m so excited to take what I’ve learned from this first go-round and apply it to my next adventures! I’ll be starting another 101 list on January 1, 2011. Here are a few of the goals I’ve dreamt up so far:

–Learn how to French braid my hair
–Reupholster a piece of furniture
–Read biographies of 5 people I admire
–Go tree house camping or glamping
–Buy a sewing machine
–Cheer at a Southern football game (I hear it’s big down here…)
–Wear a large hat to the Kentucky Derby

My older sister Kate has already decided she’ll be joining me on the first with her own list. Is anyone else interested in starting with us? If there are a few of you out there who are, I’d love to organize some way to encourage each other — for example, I’d be happy to post a link to everyone’s lists in my sidebar!

Let me know what you think in the comment section, and thank you so much for all of your encouragement throughout the last 1001 days! :)

101 in 1001: Recap, Part III

14 October 2010

For our final day of recaps, we have the Experience and Miscellaneous categories! That covers all manner of evils, and some of the most fun goals, I think.

Experiences (14/21 — 67%)

What I completed:
–Cook an Indian dinner for friends and family (September 13, 2009)
–Eat ten dishes/foods I’ve never tried before (as of June 2009: chickpeas, fish tacos, okra (fried), cauliflower, chocolate pasta, seaweed salad, smoked salmon, fried calamari, dandelion wine, and sauerkraut balls)
Eat vegetarian for a week (October 19-26, 2009)
–Make a loaf of bread from scratch (January 23, 2010 – thanks, Kate!)
–Pick fruit at a pick-your-own farm and do something with it (May 2010)
–Visit two more states I’ve never been to (June 2009 – Amish Country, Ohio and Northern Michigan)
–Get a manicure or pedicure (pedicure September 2010)
–Go riding at the farm with family (June 2009)
Spend a weekend away with J (March 9 – 13, 2009)
–Plant a vegetable garden, even if very small (spring/summer 2010. We planted strawberries, Brandywine tomatoes, bushy cucumbers, red leaf lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, and basil — and all on an apartment balcony! Post coming about our results soon!)
–See the Martha Stewart Show live (January 16, 2008 — AMAZING.)
–Be a bridesmaid or maid of honor (August 2010 and September 2010)
–Go to a hot air balloon festival or on a hot air balloon ride (May 2010, at a photo shoot!)
–Adopt either a cat or dog (two cats November 2009 – YIPPEE!)

What I did not complete:
–Take a train while going on a trip
–Get a massage
–Take a trip to Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket
–Travel to Europe for at least a week
–See Arcade Fire in concert (again)
–See David Beckham play soccer
–Do at least on Gimme Your Stuff exchange

Miscellaneous (8/8 — 100%)

What I completed:
–Comment on wedding blogs three times a week for three months (summer 2009)
–Comment on favorite blogs three times a week for three months (summer 2009)
–Subscribe to favorite magazines after graduation
–Frame and hang J’s and my photographs as art (August 2009)
–Design business cards and have them printed (designed and printed them myself April 2009)
–Buy a new laptop (received new laptop November 2009)
–Donate $1 to charity for every item on my list not completed (September 2010 — sponsored a cat at the animal shelter where we volunteer!)
–Create a new 101 in 1001 list (ongoing — more about this tomorrow!)

I can’t wait to show you photos from my some of my favorites tomorrow!! If you’re nice, I might even give you a little preview of my next 101…

See the original list here!

101 in 1001: Recap, Part II

13 October 2010

Today’s categories are Financial, Health & Recreation, Personal Challenges, and Self-Improvement. Let’s see how I did!

Financial (4/6 completed — 67%)

What I completed:
–Buy something that increases in value (a Victorian, mahogany dining room table)
–Don’t eat out for a month
–Keep up with Microsoft Money or a similar system
–Read two financial literacy books a year

What I partially completed:
–Find out my credit score once a year (I only did this once)
–Contribute to IRA annually (I did this two out of three years)

Health & Recreation (7/11 — 64% completed)

What I completed:
–Compile a list of 25 snack ideas and post on refrigerator
–Don’t eat a single fried chicken sandwich in dining hall for a year
–Go to the OB/Gyn
–Take a multivitamin every day for a month. Develop a system.
–Make a list of exercise activities I enjoy and post.
–Take five new people letterboxing
–Place a letterbox

What I partially completed:
–Buy a type of exercise video I’ve never tried and do it three times a week for three months (I did buy the video, and we did try it a few times…)

What I did not complete:
–Conclusively find out my blood type
–Train for and compete in a 5K road race
–Stretch every morning for two weeks

Personal Challenges (5/6 — 83% completed)

What I completed:
–Write down and store end-of-life wishes
–Go camping
–Get up at the same time every day for thirty days in a row
–Make a list of things I don’t like about myself, and try to fix them
–Make a list of things I wish I was, and try to be them

What I did not complete:

Self Improvement (8/10 — 80% completed)

What I completed:
–Attempt to white teeth
–Find a excellent foundation, even if expensive
–Buy or receive a tailored suit
–Maintain no less than a 3.9 GPA through graduation
–Be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa
–Graduate summa cum laude
–Graduate in May 2009

What I did not complete:
–Receive a fellowship for summer 2008
–Arrange three informational interviews for senior year

I’ll be back with the last batch tomorrow, and then favorites, but, as always, you can view the whole list here!