27 May 2010
Inspired by the National Stationery Show, a few of my favorite alphabet posters. Perfect for a nursery, child’s room, or (let’s be honest) an office. Do you have a favorite I’m missing?

JenOaks ($45, 13 by 19 inches)

PetitCollage (18 by 24 inches, $50)

Beauchamping ($75, 30 by 22 inches)

Modern Pop ($28)

Rifle Paper Co

Wee Doodle ($28, 13 by 19 inches)
26 May 2010
Wraparound porches; wide front steps; deep, cushioned swings; plantation shutters; draped wisteria; indoor furniture outside: these are a few of my favorite things. Comfortable, stylish outdoor living spaces are an absolute must for me in a future home.
P.S. Anyone have a good source for those slatted, folding garden chairs that are so very chic? I’d take either the metal or wooden variety.

{Southern Living}

{Southern Living}

{Elle Decor via Black*Eiffel}

{House Beautiful}

{Martha Stewart}

{Martha Stewart}

{Southern Living}

{House Beautiful}

{John Derian}

{Southern Living}
25 May 2010
My eyes almost popped out of my head when I flipped the page to the “Vive la tarte!” spread in the most recent Martha Stewart Living. What I thought were gorgeous pencil sketches turned out to be gorgeous “sewing illustrations,” created using more than 200 colors of thread. See for yourself:

You can click to enlarge a bit, but I’d really encourage you to buy the issue in order to see the rest of the article and appreciate the piece in all its glory! You can also click over to Miyuki’s site to take a look at her portfolio and the artwork she created for Living.
19 May 2010

{Pottery Barn}
I’m in need of some help today, friends. I really want to make a few sets of curtains, but I’m stymied on the whole fabric purchasing situation. I don’t even know what I want, exactly, but I do know that JoAnn doesn’t have it and that I’m not sure where else to look. Where do y’all go when you need stylish, reasonably priced fabric?