5 March 2010
I’m a huge fan of the Oscars. I like the fashion, I like the hosts (love Steve Martin), and I love the theatrical-ness of it all. This year it will be just J and I watching, but in years past I’ve hosted larger viewing parties. If only I had known then what I know now!
I would have sent out these darling invitations from Twig & Thistle (download available here!).

I would have printed out these ballots, also from Twig & Thistle.

And I would have handed out these BINGO cards to keep everyone entertained throughout the night. (Twelve different versions available here at How About Orange.)

Are you planning to watch the Oscars? Are you having a party? Do you want to invite J and I?
3 March 2010

We’re most likely going to be using bamboo utensils for K + C’s reception, and though we’ve considered bundling sets together with baker’s twine or string, it had never occurred to me to add text before I saw this image on Weddingbee. I don’t have a Gocco, which I think would be the best tool for this project, but what do you think about a custom rubber stamp? One of those could work, as well.
Another question for you: on a more existential level, would this begin to cross into the territory of “whoa now, it’s just one day, let’s cool it on the detailing”? I’m conflicted. Thoughts?
P.S. You can also buy a 36-piece set from Neiman Marcus ooo la la!
1 March 2010
As many of you know, I’m entering the third and final year of my 101 in 1001 challenge. It ends on September 28, 2010. I’d like to complete as many goals as possible before then, so to keep myself accountable, I’m reporting on my progress on the first of every month (or close to it!). I’ll tell you how many goals I’ve completed, how many goals are in progress, and which goals I’m going to be focusing on for the month.
So how did I do on my February goals?
Did I…
1. Read three more books of the Bible for no. 3? Yes! (II Kings + I Chronicles + II Chronicles)
2. Send one handwritten letter for no. 10? Yes!
3. Attempt to get safety certified for no. 20 and look into local builds? Not yet.
4. Read another classic for no. 27? Several chapters into Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Loved the movie, loving the book.
5. Memorize another poem for no. 28? Not yet.
6. Contribute to my IRA for no. 44? Yes!
7. Just do it already for no. 48? No. Apparently you need a doctor’s appointment to really figure this one out, and on top of that you need to have blood drawn. I have narrowed it down a bit, though, based on my parents’ types.
8. And — this is the big one — attempt to complete no. 59? I’m going to go ahead and say yes on this one. I didn’t actually get up at exactly the same time for the last month, but I did get up within 20 minutes of the same time for the last month (except maybe one or two Saturdays…). And we’ve committed to getting up earlier on a regular basis going forward, and, honestly, that was the point anyway. It feels so good!
Where am I now? 39 completed and 21 in progress.
So what will I be tackling in March? I will…
1. Read three more books of the Bible for no. 3.
2. Read another faith-related book for no. 5.
3. Pledge to my (new!) home church for no. 6.
4. Do no. 7.
5. Do no. 8. I know I’ll probably feel awkward, but hopefully it will be worth it.
6. Complete no. 35. A frosting tutorial from a local expert is on the schedule!
7. Do no. 53. I’m hoping now that it’s warmer it’ll be easier.
8. Try no. 63… risky.
See more details on any of these goals right here!