29 January 2010

{via flickr}
I admire this room. The palette is bright and cheery, but it looks completely cohesive. And the beds are so cute! I really struggle with incorporating different patterns, elements, and pieces of art into a space… which makes me appreciate a job well done even more. The crisp, clean white background really holds everything together, doesn’t it?
28 January 2010
Remember my valentines from last year? Well, if you loved them, you now have the chance to buy your own set to send to those you love!

You can mix and match a set of six cards + envelopes — choose from the “Olive you” or “I love ewe” designs! See more details or make a purchase here!
And yes, I crack myself up.
27 January 2010

{Image c/o Tec Petaja}
I know I’ve mainly been sharing snips and bits of wedding inspiration lately, but there are so many lovely things I want to share with y’all! Including this absolutely darling pie bar signage from Miss (now Mrs.!) Cowboy Boot’s wedding. The calligraphy is by Pretty Pen Jen and the heart holders are from this store on eBay. See more of Mrs. CB’s pie bar here and her wedding planning journey here! When you do, make sure to check out her oh ma gahh Julianna by Christos dress and Juliet garden rose bouquet.
26 January 2010

{via flickr}
I’m headed to New York City for the weekend and I would love your suggestions on things to do, places to see, and places to eat! I spent a summer in NYC and lived a train ride away from the city for most of my life, so I’ve already done most of the “typical” city things, but I always love hearing new recommendations! I already know I want to make a trip to Payard, home of delectable macarons and beautiful packaging. What else should be on my to do list?