6 March 2009

{via Black*Eiffel}
Happy weekend, lovelies! I’m taking off on a road trip that will last most of next week (up and down the eastern seaboard – whee!). Don’t worry – I’ve got a great lineup planned for while I’m gone. But you’ll have to wait for that until Monday.
5 March 2009

{c/o Country Living}
A friend is planning a May bridal shower based on this inspiration board {so excited to see someone actually bringing the inspiration into reality!}. She’s planning to make the garlands in the top left photo, so last night we plotted her construction plan of attack. I thought others might benefit, so here are the resources I shared.

{c/o Country Living}
The original inspiration came from Country Living, and they do provide instruction on their website, though minimal.
“To make flags, triangles of coordinating cotton fabric are cut with pinking shears. Muslin triangles are printed with bird motifs and stitched to every fifth flag. To hang, the flags are stitched to a colorful length of seam binding.”

The Purl Bee {love the Purl Bee!} has a much more detailed guide, including templates and a step-by-step photo tutorial. Check it out here {and stay to browse the rest of their absolutely lovely projects}. Their book is on my wish list!

4 March 2009

Love this wedding I found in the archives of Sedona Bride. Love her gardenia hair flower, her pearl drop earrings, her dress’s neckline, and love the atmosphere they created with simple, inexpensive twinkle lights and candles. It’s a little bit magical, I think.
All images c/o Sedona Bride.
3 March 2009

Flickr is an amazing site for so many reasons, outfit inspiration being a surprising new use I’ve recently discovered. I love the brown Zara bag that pops up in so many of Sea Lorraine’s photos, the fact that she seems to wear dresses or skirts most days, and that she chooses interesting locations in New York as backdrop for her wardrobe.
See more at her flickr photostream.
{Thanks Whitney!}